1- Graduated MSc of Hydraulic Structures, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environment, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
2- Professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environment and Water Engineering Research Institute, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran. , ghods@modares.ac.ir
Abstract: (1523 Views)
Stilling basins are used in the outlet of channels, chutes and culverts to dissipate the excess kinetic energy of incoming flow. One of the basins in which the energy of incoming flow is dissipated by impact, is USBR VI stilling basin. The USBR VI stilling basin was first introduced by Bradely and Peterka in 1995 and then was modified by Biechley in 1978. This structure consists of a middle wall and an endsill. Scouring around the structures that are located in the vicinity of erodible beds, such as stilling basins, has always been one of the most important problems related to these structures. Unlike other types of stilling basins, the studies carried out around this type of basin are limited, and there are still many hydraulics features of this type that have not been considered in previous researches.
In this article, the effect of the shape of endsill on scour depth downstream of stilling basin is evaluated. Based on Beichley graph (Standard Design), the physical model of stilling basin was designed, constructed and installed in the hydraulic laboratory of Tarbiat Modares. Experiments were conducted in a 0.8 m wide, 0.9 m height, and 0.8 m length rectangular channel. The pump used in the experiments had a nominal flow rate of 400 cubic meters per hour (about 120 liters per hour), a head of 11.7 meters, a power of 22 horsepower, and an engine speed of 1450 rpm. In the design of experiments, the parameters including approach Froude number (i.e. 1, 1.5 and 2 times of standard Froude number on Beichley graph), the diameter of inlet pipe (i.e. De = 5, 8, and 12 centimeters), and endsill shapes (triangular, stepped and circular quadrant), in the form of 27 tests were assessed to study the dimensions of the scour depth.
The observations revealed that in all three endsill shapes, the increase in Froud number has led to the decrease in scour index. the circular quadrant endsill had the lowest scour depth in the front of endsill and the least scour index, in the range of the Froude number of 2 to 6. In the range of the Froude numbers of 9 to 14, the triangular endsill causes the lowest scour index. In the relative diameter of inlet pipe equals to 10.16, for Froud numbers equal to 9.27 and 13.91, the triangular shaped endsill has the least scour index. in every endsills, decreasing the pipe’s diameter results in the maximum depth of the scour. Another important finding is that sediment bar is only formed in experiments conducted with inlet pipe’s diameter equal to 5cm for Froude number equal to Froude number on Beichley graph. The biggest amounts of the height of sediment bar and maximum scour depth are found for the stepped endsill and the smallest amounts of the height of sediment bar and maximum scour depth are found for the circular quadrant endsill. Subsequently, the non-dimensional equations according to the Froud number of incoming flow and the relative diameter of inlet pipe, were presented to estimate the maximum depth of the scour hole.
Article Type:
Original Research |
Hydraulical Structures Received: 2022/07/1 | Accepted: 2023/03/1 | Published: 2024/04/29