1- Babol Noshirvani University of Technology
2- Babol Noshirvani University of Technology , hyousefpour@nit.ac.ir
Abstract: (1813 Views)
Accelerated construction methods are extensively used worldwide to reduce the negative impacts of bridge construction on urban traffic. These methods usually require prefabricating parts of the bridge off-site, which reduces on-site construction time and improves the quality and safety of construction. While the use of precast elements for bridge decks is relatively common, using precast elements for bridge piers is a recent development, especially in high-seismicity regions. Prefabrication of bridge piers can further expedite the construction of bridges. Moreover, the use of precast elements can be combined with a self-centering capability, through which the earthquake-induced damage and cost of post-earthquake repairs are greatly reduced. Despite a number of previous numerical and experimental studies on the behavior of precast, self-centering bridge piers, limited information is available on the selection of design parameters for such piers, and important decisions such as the prestressing force needed to achieve suitable seismic behavior remains to a large extent uncertain. This study aims to investigate the seismic behavior of concrete bridges consisting of precast self-centering piers, in which unbonded, post-tensioned tendons are used for self-centering and reinforcing steel is used to dissipate earthquake energy. A two-dimensional numerical model was developed in OpenSees to simulate the behavior of concrete bridges consisting of precast self-centering piers. The model consisted of fiber elements to model concrete and mild steel, as well as truss elements to model unbonded post-tensioning steel. The model also involved the use of zero-length sections to model the bond-slip behavior of mild steel bars. The modeling approach was validated based on experimental results available in the literature on cyclic loading of four bridge piers. To evaluate the effects of various design parameters on the behavior of precast segmental bridge piers, 9 segmental piers with different percentages of prestressing force and reinforcing steel were designed according to 2017 AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. All piers were designed to possess similar nominal flexural capacities. The piers were then subjected to monotonic, cyclic, and dynamic time history analyses. The results showed the positive effects of prestressing in delaying cracking and reducing the residual drifts of precast bridge piers. Increasing the prestressing force ratio up to 10 percent of compressive strength of the pier cross section was observed to improve the overall seismic behavior of the structure, above which a further increase in the prestressing level may result in a diminished performance. The optimal value for the prestressing force ratio, which resulted in the most desirable behavior for cyclic and dynamic loadings was therefore found between 0.1 and 0.15. In piers with a prestressing ratio above 0.15, a decrease was observed in the area of hysteresis loops, which was accompanied by negative stiffness of the base shear versus drift curve. Moreover, the residual drift of the pier increased when prestressing ratios greater than 0.15 were used. The maximum drift of the structure was found to be insensitive to the prestressing force ratio. The results of this study are of great value for optimal design of precast, self-centering bridge piers in high-seismicity regions.
Article Type:
Original Research |
Earthquake Received: 2021/12/11 | Accepted: 2022/12/18 | Published: 2022/11/1