Volume 15, Issue 5 (2015)                   MCEJ 2015, 15(5): 254-254 | Back to browse issues page

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Alizadeh Armaki H, Ghodsian M, Vaghefi M, Khosravi M. Experimental Investigation of Flow and Scour Pattern around Submerged Attracting and Repelling T head Spur Dike. MCEJ 2015; 15 (5) :254-254
URL: http://mcej.modares.ac.ir/article-16-1234-en.html
1- student
2- professor
3- Assistant professor
4- Graduation M.Sc
Abstract:   (6426 Views)
Abstract In this paper, flow and scour pattern around submerged and attracting T head spur dike in a straight bend has been studied. For measuring 3D velocities and bed topography, Vectrino+ and Point gauge machines were utilized. 3D velocities were measured in rigid bed state. Flow pattern experiments were conducted in a way in which after installation of spur dike in their place the sediments of the bed were flattened and then the sediments around the spur dike were covered with a thin layer of cement grout using anairbrush. After 6 hours, once the cement grout dried, the experiments are initiated. During velocity record times no scour was observed. In this research, electrical current was plotted in lateral and horizontal plans and flow pattern was studied. The findings of this research showed that the maximum scour in attracting spur dike is stronger than that of repelling spur dike and in both states it occurs in the edge of upstream wing of spur dike. Besides, flow pattern results suggest presence of a separation plane in upstream spur dike where a part of flow acts as up flow and another part acts as down flow. Moreover, flow and scour pattern in lateral, vertical, and different other plans were presented in this research. Furthermore, the finding of this study revealed that dimensions of downstream scour hole for attracting spur dike are larger. The length of this hole for attracting and repelling spur dike is 3.8 and 3.1 times to the effective length of spur dike. This suggests stronger effect of attracting spur dike on downstream flow. Besides, the width of scour hole in repelling spur dike (4.2 times to the effective length of spur dike) was larger than that of attracting spur dike (5 times to the effective length of spur dike). The length of sediment ridge in the attracting spur dike, due to its stronger effect on its downstream area, was larger (20 times to the effective length of spur dike) than that of repelling spur dike (16.4 times to the effective length of spur dike). Moreover, through this research it was found that the down flow area in upstream spur dike in repelling spur dike is larger than that of the attracting spur dike - 0.77 and 1.4 times to the effective length of spur dike for attracting and repelling spur dike, respectively. This length corresponds with the vastness of down flow. Also, the length of circulation zone in downstream of attracting and repelling spur dikes were 3.8 and 3.1 times to the effective length of spur dike, respectively and this length is in consistent with length of scour hole in downstream spur dike in vicinity of the spur dike. Finally, through this research, it was found that the center of clockwise vortex developed in downstream of repelling spur dike, compared to the attracting spur dike, is closer to the spur dike and due to initiation of deposition in a distance closer to the spur dike in repelling spur dike.
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Article Type: Original Manuscript | Subject: omran
Received: 2012/03/10 | Accepted: 2015/01/29 | Published: 2015/08/23

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