1- Associate professor of civil engineering, department of civil engineering, university of Zanjan
2- P.h D candidate of civil engineering, department of civil engineering, university of Zanjan , m.rahnemoun@znu.ac.ir
Abstract: (2292 Views)
Nowadays, building structures encounter with challenges such as construction speed and cost, especially in high seismicity zones. To accomplish this, steel structures was developed to accelerate the construction process and other economic issues. According to high strength ductility and energy dissipation, steel structure systems have been used widely in active seismic regions. The idea of application of shear panels has been using from many years ago as systems with high energy dissipation capability in EBFs as link beams and steel shear walls. The purpose of the EBFs design is the yielding of link beam and remaining the adjacent member at elastic region. According to the available criteria in design codes, shear in beams is a force-controlled action that exceeding the specified value as nominal strength is not permissible and the capacity design theory should be considered. Increasing the web thickness is the main effective factor achieving the needed shear strength and leads to the enhancement of plastic flexural capacity. The result of this action is more seismic demands in other structural members to keep in desirable operational level. So the shear plastic hinges is introduced instead of flexural plastic hinges at both ends. At this case because of uniform shear yielding through the web, energy dissipation capability is much better than the flexural yielding which begins from the outer face of the beam located on flanges. The web panels of built-up sections restrained by top and bottom flanges and two-sided transverse stiffeners have the ability to carry further loading beyond the web buckling load. The small lateral web displacements produced by excessive loading are not substantial because of available components to supply more resistance. Using adequate stiff transverse to resist against the out-of-plane deformation resulted from post-buckling; tension field actions are developed in shear panels before reaching the maximum shear strength by forming a truss with tension diagonals and compression verticals fixed by stiffeners.
The concept of shear resisting frames with non-prismatic beams were presented with the scope of reduction in link beam rotation, elimination of architectural limitations, restrictions on the ratio of span free length to beam total depth and high energy dissipation capacity. Shear yielding and out of plane deformations caused by tension action field mainly control the frame behavior and energy dissipation. The proposed system is made up two strong side columns connected to the link element with weaker section in the middle of the frame as shear fuse with non-prismatic beams. Tendency to use haunched beams makes it feasible to achieve any link length ratio especially less than 1.0. This paper presents the introducing, design and performance of 1-story-shear resisting frames with different link length ratios (ranges from 0.5 to 1.6 with 0.1 variations) and shear-controlled behavior. The goal is achieved by implementing pushover and cyclic analyses numerically with ABAQUS software. But at first a verification analysis is done to validate the modeling procedure and reach a good conformity between numerical and experimental results. The outputs are presented in the form of response modification factor, displacement ductility and overstrength factor for pushover analyses and hysteresis behavior, backbone curve, energy dissipation capability and overstrength factor for cyclic analysis. Also at the end, 3, 5 and 7-story-frames were studied through pushover analysis and values of response modification factor and overstrength factor of the total frames presented. The results indicate desirable behavior of 1-story-shear resisting frames from the point of stiffness and strength degradation with high values of response modification factor equal to 9.18.
Article Type:
Original Research |
Civil and Structural Engineering Received: 2019/07/17 | Accepted: 2019/12/31 | Published: 2021/05/31