Volume 13, Issue 3 (2013)                   MCEJ 2013, 13(3): 123-123 | Back to browse issues page

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Hayati M, Ataei M, Ranjbar Z. The Optimum Support Selection for Access Tunnel of Gushfill Mine using LINMAP Method. MCEJ 2013; 13 (3) :123-123
URL: http://mcej.modares.ac.ir/article-16-8343-en.html
1- Shahrood University
Abstract:   (7652 Views)
  Select a support system of tunnels has an important role safety and economic status. This choice usually based on experience of designer engineers. But the question is always whether the best choice has been done?. In this study, Linear Programming for Multidimensional Analysis of Preferences (LINMAP) as one of the most important method of multiple Attribute decision making (MADM), to select optimum support system of tunnels has been used and finally to achieve a single rating for the support system integration methods are used. In this way the tunnel support system selection as a multi attribute decision making has been considered and the criteria for selection optimum support system include: support cost, safety factor, applicability, time installation, displacement and capable of mechanization. For this purpose, first, using the finite difference numerical method) FLAC2D (, various support systems based on technical parameters and stability of the tunnel has been identified. Then based on considered criteria, using the aforementioned optimum support system has been selected. The study considered eight criteria that include: Vertical displacement in the roof of the gallery (C1), vertical displacement of the gallery floor (C2), the horizontal displacement at the corner of the side wall of the gallery (C3), vertical displacement at the corner of the side wall of the gallery (C4), safety factor (C5), maintenance (C6 ), the need for human resources (C7) and ease of implementation (C8). Since the access tunnel consists of two perpendicular tunnels, and each of the two tunnels to be divided into two areas are mineralized dolomite and dolomite The storage system of choice for the four regions are considered. In the first decision, the lowest safety factor storage system, a team of specialists is recommended; Then based on the results obtained with smaller amounts of the several options are proposed, decisions are removed from the list. Displacement parameters in different parts of the walls, floors and crown of the tunnel, safety factors and system maintenance cost indices are slightly And the economic analysis and numerical modeling have been achieved. Thus, the matrix is directly related Drays these numbers will be. Indices requires human resources and facilitate the implementation of quality indicators that are qualitative terms such as very low, low, medium, high and very high, have been evaluated. Quality indicators used for quantifying the scale is bipolar. Thus, instead of words is very low, low, medium, high and very high order of the numbers 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 are used. Accordingly, the final decision matrix (slightly) related to the number one and two tunnels in the area of mineralized dolomite and dolomite,   respectively. In this matrix, the indices of displacement in different parts of the walls, floors and crown of the tunnel, system maintenance costs and manpower required to have a negative aspect Safety and ease of implementation of aspect ratio and the indices are positive. Important factor in determining the indicators, the indicators were paired comparison matrix (a matrix of 6 × 6). Based on expert opinion and using the geometric mean weight of each of the indicators were. It is necessary to keep the system in selecting the weights for the two tunnels in two ranges, are the same. As was pointed out to select optimum maintenance system, the methods LINMAP as an important characteristic of decision methods have been used. As a general conclusion can be stated that in selecting a storage system for the tunnel, several indicators are considered. Way too many of the numerical method for determining the storage system, are used. Although many indicators are effective in the maintenance system But all these indices in a numerical analysis cannot be removed, Although one of the good work, behavior of the tunnel with the different options for a tunnel system is maintained. In a process of decision making using multiple indicators Evaluations to be made more scientific. In this study, eight different types of storage systems for the four different levels of access tunnels Goshfill mine was in 1565, Then consider the safety factor of at least 1.2 for access tunnels, storage systems, 2 to 5 because of the safety factor of 1.2 were excluded from the decision making process. The method according to other criteria LINMAP maintenance systems 1, 6, 7 and 8 were studied. Finally, the option 1 "to 4 meters in length and spacing of rock bolts have 1.5 m in the roof and walls." As the best system for the maintenance of the access tunnel was aligned Goshfill 1565.
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Received: 2013/10/13 | Accepted: 2013/09/23 | Published: 2013/10/13

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