1- Ph.D Student
Abstract: (6041 Views)
What should be considered at the beginning of any stabilization process besides slope safety is the minimization of expenses. Therefore, excavation on slope upstream and/or filling slope downstream and/or moderating slope angle are the primary and effective stabilization methods. If these methods cannot provide the desirable factor of safety it would be necessary to put effort in other methods such as increasing soil strength parameters, draining surface water and sub-surface (ground) water at embankments, and installing retaining walls and piles. Implementation of these solutions is usually costly and sometimes in order to achieve a desirable factor of safety it is necessary to combine one or several methods. Anyway, the aforementioned solutions are aimed at mitigating the driving force behind ruptures and/or increasing resistive forces. Slopes stabilization methods can be studied as empirical, analytical, and numerical methods. This classification has been so far used by researchers and has undergone numerous studies. One of the methods used for improving resistive forces is the installation of piles in earth slopes. Installing piles for stabilizing susceptible earth slope is an effective way of preventing the imbalance of force and instability. Stabilizing effect by using pile is provided by the passive resistance of the pile below the slip surface and load transfer from the sliding mass to the underlying stationary soil or rock formation through the piles due to soil arching mechanism. Moreover, slope stability and optimizing pile location by installing a row of piles have been studied by many researchers. The piles are embedded in the stable soil by the length 5D (D=pile diameter), because the zone of influence of each pile has been demonstrated not to exceed 5D and the length of the pile is restricted to 10D. In this paper a new method is presented for estimating of displacement and lateral force acting on stabilizing piles in earth slopes. The growth mechanism of lateral force acting on stabilizing piles in a row due to the surrounding ground undergoing plastic deformation is discussed, and its theoretical analysis is carried out considering the interval between the piles (Ito and Matsui, 1975). Several methods have been proposed to determine the force exerted on the pile in addition to having the merits, defects such as lack of accuracy required in a particular interval between the piles. In this paper with regarded to initial slip surface and acting force due to weight of failed soil is proposed lateral force acting on piles. 1. The assumptions are considered in this paper are, 2. The suitable location for installing of piles is middle of slope. 3. The pile behavior is considered as elastic. 4. The soil behavior is considered as elastoplastic. 5. The pile tip is embedded in the stable soil by the length 5D.
Article Type:
Technical Note |
------- Received: 2014/05/19 | Accepted: 2016/01/20 | Published: 2016/03/20