1- Assistant Professor , arazzaghi@pnu.ac.ir
2- Student
Abstract: (712 Views)
Reduced Beam Section (RBS) connections are extensively used within seismic resistant steel moment frames in order to deal with the risk of brittle fractures in the connections, absorbing seismic energy through yielding and protect columns from damage. In this connection, at specific locations the beams flanges are trimmed back to provide weakened sections, in order to shift the plastic deformations away from beam-column connections and into the beam. Consequently, adequate ductility is provided by the frame to absorb the seismic energy and avoid the risk of brittle fractures occurring. The seismic performance of steel structures has been studied widely by many researchers. In general, the results of these studies indicate the good capability of RBS connections achieving these targets. In a reduced beam section (RBS) moment connection, in the region adjacent to the beam-to-column connection, a part of the beam flanges is trimmed selectively. Yielding and hinge formation are intended to take place primarily in the reduced section of the beam. Currently, in the design of RBS connections, the effect of RBS cutting parameters on the cyclic performance of the beam elements are not taken into account. However, using different RBS geometries for any beam with different sections can have different results in cyclic performance of the connections. In order to evaluate the effects of geometric parameters of RBS connection on the cyclic behavior of these connections, a parametric study is carried out on forty different European I-shaped steel cross-section specimens. These specimens are analyzed using ABAQUS finite element software under cyclic loading and the moment-rotation hysteresis curve was extracted for each of the specimens. In order to validate the FE model, a full-scale beam–column sub-assemblies were modelled in the general finite element (FE) software ABAQUS. An ideal curve was extracted from each of the hysteresis curves and using the curves, five parameters including Yield Moment (My), Peak Moment (Mc), Ultimate Rotation (θu), Ductility (μ) and Energy Dissipated Capacity (EDC) were extracted as the key design parameters for each sample. variation of the above-mentioned seismic design parameters in respect to the changes of RBS dimensions are analyzed. The results clearly illustrate that geometric features c do have most effect on the moment parameters. the parameters a and b have very little influence on moments which can be considered negligible, whereas these parameters have a small effect on the ultimate rotation, ductility and energy dissipated capacity. Increasing the value of c between its lower and upper limits, reduces the My more than 20% and Mc more than 17%. The effect of the distance of the cut area from the column face (a) and the length of the cut area (b) on the moment is close to zero and can be ignored. The effect of a and b on the ultimate rotation, ductility and energy dissipated capacity is less than five percent. However, the parameter c has significant influence over all the five seismic design parameters considered. Investigating the graphs of the variation of the key seismic design parameters respect to the changes of RBS dimensions shows that there is not enough correlation between the RBS parameters and the key seismic design parameters to propose a single equation between the key seismic design parameters and RBS parameters. Investigating the relationship between RBS dimensions, moment of inertia of RBS and full section characteristics showed that a relationship can be established between these parameters and the key seismic design parameters. At the end, the results of the investigation and relationships for calculating the key seismic design parameters were presented. This relationship was presented as a single equation, which includes the effect of all the above parameters. Using the obtained equation, the value of each of the key seismic design parameters can be calculated based on the dimensions and geometric characteristics of the section and the beam cutting dimensions.
Article Type:
Original Research |
Civil and Structural Engineering Received: 2024/01/20 | Accepted: 2024/07/10 | Published: 2024/11/30