Volume 15, Issue 5 (2015)                   MCEJ 2015, 15(5): 161-168 | Back to browse issues page

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fakhri M, hassani A, kari M. Analysis of friction and texture of asphalt pavement by British pendulum tester and sand patch test. MCEJ 2015; 15 (5) :161-168
URL: http://mcej.modares.ac.ir/article-16-731-en.html
1- associate professor, faculty of civil engineering, Khaje Nasireddin-e Toosi University
2- professor, , Faculty of Civil and Environmental Eng, Tarbiat Modares University
3- M.Sc. of civil Engineering, faculty of civil engineering, Islamic Azad University south Tehran branch
Abstract:   (8381 Views)
Slipperiness of the road surface is one of the factors which increase the risk of accident. In fact slip occurs when the coefficient of friction between the tire and road surface is not enough to keep the adherence between the two. Skid should not be considered as a separate issue, but to solve this problem, we should optimize properties of tire and road which leads to decrease in possibility of skid. This is a fact that the less the skid resistance value, the more accidents in fall and winter which have more rain. Road friction changes with change of many factors such as properties of pavement surface, properties of tire, moisture of road and performance of vehicle. There is a need to manage skid resistance systematically to maintain the level of safety performance of roadway surfaces. This study focused on the development of a skid resistance deterioration model based on the analysis of skid data inventory collected in Tehran. This field study has been performed by examining the statistical information related to traffic and accidents and case study of a street with heavy trafficin inTehran as follows. Hot mix asphalt was provided from factories of municipality of Tehran and was distributed and tests of hot mix asphalt were done by Marshal test; then British pendulum method was used to determine the microtexture, and sand patch test was used to determine mean surface macrotexture depth. Finally by repeating the test in time intervals within 18 months and investigating the relationship between the data and test results, charts of state of changes of skid resistance over time were presented which indicated that slip resistance of asphalt pavement decreases by time and traffic crossing. First this decrease is more and then gradually declines. By comparing the results with standard it is concluded that the skid resistance of asphalt pavement should be improved after 7 months. result shows the variation of pavement skid resistance versus pavement age. Also by investigating the statistical reports given by the road police in the aforesaid street it was found that about 50% of the accidents are related to function of brakes of vehicles and friction resistance and comparing the statistics reveals that after the road surface is improved by asphalt, accidents in case study street decreased by 25%. After that with comparing the number of accidents in the studied street in the second 6-month of year and during the year especially in accident prone points it was found that number of accidents in the second 6-month is 70% of the whole year. This indicates the particular effect of weather condition in rainy season and decrease of skid resistance of pavement due to roads surface wetting on number of accidents.
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Article Type: Original Manuscript | Subject: ------
Received: 2014/07/21 | Accepted: 2015/08/23 | Published: 2015/11/8

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