Volume 15, Issue 3 (2015)                   MCEJ 2015, 15(3): 73-85 | Back to browse issues page

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salimi A. Optimizing of spatial allocation for manucipal solid waste collection utilizing GIS. MCEJ 2015; 15 (3) :73-85
URL: http://mcej.modares.ac.ir/article-16-7287-en.html
Abstract:   (10706 Views)
Urbanization and population density in big cities, including gathering materials and urban waste and pollution is followed by increasing environmental pollution so that a much significant percentage of municipal budgets, especially in large cities and municipalities, is spent to collect waste materials. On the hand, the use of computer softwares, in accordance with the daily discriminate increases of environmental issues and management of urban waste are growing. One of the most important case that distinguishes GIS from other systems is the existence of distinct functions in spatial analysis. Including network analysis functions, one feature of network analysis can be finding the shortest path which is the most important applicant in transportation issues. One of the issues of allocation is the issue of allocation of areas where the facilities are used. There are three components in allocation issue: 1. Applicant’s services. (It is the capacity of waste collection depository.) 2.The sever (The machines with the capacity of specific waste collection and road network) 3. The objective function or the cost ( it is the time in this research.) What is at stake in this issue is to set a time to optimize the time to collect the waste. It primarily reduces the time for collection and reduces cost, manpower, distances and environmental pollution. First, the overall research method have been collected and described to optimize the paths, and then a specific methodology will be introduced. material and method Understanding the current situation, it is classified into two general and case studies. In the overall social structure, utilizing the communication network and access routes will be studied and the amount of waste produced, the method of operation and maintenance are studied in order to collect the waste and review the current situation regarding waste management system performance. Major impact on waste producers is dedicated to the study of the area population itself. In this context, it is necessary to determine the scope of the population, family size and population density. Other feature of the area is devoted to the user. User types in this area of study such as the existing users of residential, offices commercial, educational, health, culture and sport should be studied. Each user’s share along with specifications and plans within the designated user is produced at this stage. Like the previous stage, the users are determined according to the block scheme in each block. Communication network is the most important feature of each area of study to determine optimal routes. The information that is needed to be fully collected includes the followings: Names of all studied streets of area, length of the streets, width, bilateral and unilateral streets, and the street traffic if they are unilateral. As already explained, what is important in this research is to optimize the path of collected waste, resulting the time reduction in waste collecting. So to obtain the required time, it is necessary to have the average speed of each vehicle in every street and it should be marked with the relationship between the speed and the time along the way. Speed of vehicles on streets is usually determined by the type of vehicle, street width and traffic levels. It is necessary to obtain this speed through field studies. At nights the traffic is not involved, but the type and speed of vehicles, and the width of streets must be achieved. Eventually we have to determine two speeds for every street, one for days and one for nights and it should be recorded in the Arc GIS information. Now , by modeling the problem with the software, it is described. Initially utilizing GIS a network is formed including roads and reservoir network. The network should be marked whether the streets are bilateral and direction of unilateral streets. The area is divided into N optimal ranges according to the number and capacity of machines. For the allocation options in, Arc GIS service area should be used. Our service areas are reservoir sites. After introducing the service areas which are reservoir sites and have a certain capacity, The problem will be solved. The study area s divided into some optimal ranges according to the number of machines to collect the waste. Now in each divided area, we should choose the most optimal route to collect the waste. This route should be selected and begun from the first reservoir tank to the nearest machines station. Passing all tanks to the final tank, which is close to the transmitting station, Arc GIS chooses the optimal path.
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Article Type: Original Manuscript | Subject: omran
Received: 2011/05/11 | Accepted: 2015/05/31 | Published: 2015/09/23

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