Abstract: (7493 Views)
The influence of cement content increase on corrosion resistant behavior in concretes
containing nano-SiO2 was experimentally studied. For comparison, the chloride diffusion of
plain concrete and the concrete containing nano-SiO2 was also experimentally studied. The
test results indicated that the corrosion resistance of concretes containing nano-particles is
significantly improved. However, the index of diffusion chloride ion in the concretes
containing nano-SiO2 is directly related to cement content in the mix. The SEM oservations
revealed that the microstructure of concrete with nano-SiO2 is more uniform and compact
than that of normal concrete, but higher pore size distribution was observed when cement
content is increased, which in turn leads to the increase in the diffusion of choloride ion.
Received: 2011/06/22 | Accepted: 2011/06/22 | Published: 2011/06/22