Volume 24, Issue 5 (2024)                   MCEJ 2024, 24(5): 7-20 | Back to browse issues page

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Rasoulpour S, اکبری ح, Rezaee mazyak A. Numerical modeling of the evaporation effect on the salinity of Persian Gulf. MCEJ 2024; 24 (5) :7-20
URL: http://mcej.modares.ac.ir/article-16-69296-en.html
1- M.Sc. of marine structures, University of Tarbiat Modares
2- associate Professor, Tarbiat Modares University , akbari.h@modares.ac.ir
3- PhD of marine structures, University of Tarbiat Modares
Abstract:   (774 Views)
The semi-closed geometry of the Persian Gulf and its location in a dry and desert area have caused evaporation as one of the most important climatic parameters affecting the water salinity and water exchange between Oman Sea and Persian Gulf. Since the global warming as well as the decrease of precipitation will increase the evaporation in future, it is very important to investigate the effect of this phenomenon on the salinity of the Persian Gulf and its effect on the facilities, especially the desalination plants in the Persian Gulf. Therefore, this research have been carried out with the aim of investigating the circulation of water in the Persian Gulf and evaluating the direct effect of water evaporation on salinity and water exchange with the Sea of Oman. In this regard, the hydrodynamic modeling by considering the effect of evaporation in the Oman Sea and the Persian Gulf has been done using the three-dimensional Mike3-Flow Model.
The input hydrodynamic data is extracted from the HYCOM model and the required atmospheric data is extracted from the ECMWF model. To evaluate and validate the model, numerical results have been compared with TPXO data and tidal levels by means of statistical parameters. The results of this study show that the amount of cumulative water entering the Persian Gulf has a relatively linear relationship with the percentage of evaporation. Also, the increase in water evaporation from the surface of the Persian Gulf has a strong effect on the salinity of the Persian Gulf, and this effect is widespread but variable in the surface of the Persian Gulf, so that the areas closer to the Strait of Hormuz are less affected by the increase in evaporation, and the increase in salinity in the shallow northern as well as in the southern coasts have caused an increase in the average salinity of the Persian Gulf. On average, a 50% increase in evaporation increases the water salinity by 3 psu and a 100% increase in evaporation causes an increase in water salinity by 6 psu.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Marine Structures
Received: 2023/05/20 | Accepted: 2024/02/28 | Published: 2024/11/30

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