Abstract: (7765 Views)
In the recent years, attempts have been made to prove effectiveness of FRPs in retrofitting/repairing of the reinforced concrete (RC) components. The use of fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP) to create composite concrete structures has increased in recent years. However, the seismic performance of RC structures retrofitted using FRP composites is yet to be scrutinized in terms of improving strength, ductility. This is of high importance if the retrofitted structures are to withstand higher seismic ground motions. The purpose of this study was to investigate the seismic performance of RC joint in frame structures under cyclic lateral loading. Analytical calculations using a finite element method (FEM) are presented for the strength, crack pattern; behavior of frames strengthened with layers of FRP and an experimental study of firth and third author of this paper is carried out to verify the mechanical properties of the proposed. The specimens were tested in a 3D test frame in structure laboratory of civil and environmental engineering department in AmirKabir University of Technology. Analytical models were investigated in LS-DYNA environment. Three test specimens were constructed and tested under cyclic lateral loading. Three-dimensional nonlinear finite element models for the RC frames were developed and simulated with the LS-DYNA finite element analysis (FEA) software. Three 1/3 scaled one-bay and one-storey. Frame designed was carried out based on ACI318 code. These specimens were typical as-built frames abstracted from the existing middle-rise residential buildings in Iran. Two specimens were reinforced by CFRP at the ends of beams, columns and at the joints; one specimen the other specimen was not reinforced and was used for comparison. The retrofitted specimens were built with different ways of wrapping FRP sheets at the frame’s joints and both ends of beams and columns. The wraps were provided to prevent the peeling of the laminates this was aimed to investigate the effective ways of strengthening and repairing of the frame by applying different directions of CFRP and GFRP fibers. The analytical models are used to assess the efficiency of the FRP composites rehabilitation by comparison between intact and retrofitted specimens. Specimens were reinforced by FRP at the ends of beams, columns and at the joints; one specimen was not reinforced and was used for comparison. Also, the effect of laminate architecture, arrangement and type of material was considered. For achieving this purpose eleven models were analyzed in finite element model. The Finite element analysis results indicated that the choice of the Fiber composite materials, the laminate and wraps arrangement and thickness affected the enhancement of the structural joint performance significantly. The results provide an important insight of the role of FRP sheets in improving the earthquake resistance of frame buildings. . Keywords: reinforced concrete; frame; FRP retrofit; Analytical; cyclic loading.
Article Type:
Research Paper |
-------- Received: 2013/07/9 | Accepted: 2014/05/1 | Published: 2015/01/21