1- PhD student at Tarbiat Modares university, faculty of civil and environmental engineering
2- professor at Tarbiat Modares university, faculty of civil and environmental engineering , tasnimi@modares.ac.ir
3- Assistant Professor of Earthquake and Structural Engineering, Niroo Research Institute
Abstract: (1261 Views)
Hybrid simulation is a relatively new and efficient tool that uses the advantages of both numerical and experimental methods to evaluate the performance of structures under different loadings. In this paper, a hybrid simulation framework has been developed, in which OpenSees was considered as finite element software for modeling numerical part, OpenFresco as middleware for data exchange and LabVIEW as data collector and actuator movement controller. Utilizing OpenFresco in the developed framework, would be facilated conducting geographically distributed hybrid simulations. As the connection between OpenFresco and LabVIEW is hand shaking, the processing speed is very high and the delay between sending displacement and receiving force is only due to the dynamics and movement of the engine and the bandwidth of the sensor, so there is no interruption during this process and in this case, there is no need to define the predictor-corrector algorithm to keep the actuator movement continuous. To validate the accuracy and efficiency of the developed framework, an improved widened flange beam-column connection was considered in a one story one bay steel moment frame, and the mentioned frame was divided into two numerical and experimental substructures in such a way that half of the frame was modeled two-dimensionally in OpenSees and the other half was constructed in the laboratory. The horizontal acceleration of the Tabas earthquake was subjected to the frame. The accuracy of the control system which was used in the developed framework was investigated by comparing the measured and the command displacements, and the small value of HSEM indicated the proper performance of the control process. To evaluate the performance of hybrid simulation, a coupled numerical simulation (virtual hybrid simulation) was considered as a reference model. In this fully numerical simulation, ABAQUS and OpenSees were used as finite element software and OpenFresco as middleware. Results of coupled numerical simulation and hybrid simulation were compared with each other and the obtained accuracy index (εrms) indicated the accuracy and appropriate performance of the developed hybrid simulation framework.
Article Type:
Original Research |
Earthquake Received: 2022/10/15 | Accepted: 2022/12/14 | Published: 2023/08/1