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2- ASSICTENT prophesor , h.a.rad@nit.ac.ir
Abstract: (1354 Views)
Due to considerable carbon removal, high on-site biomass, and lipid production compared to traditional agriculture, and a wide range of final products, recent research has focused on the facile commercialization of Microalgae by increasing productivity and cost-effectiveness. Nowadays, wastewater is used as an inexpensive and easy-accessible culture medium rather than expensive culture medium synthesis on large scale, therefore, simultaneous wastewater treatment and production of biodiesel from microalgae can be considered sustainable, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly approach. In this regard, the present study is aimed to optimize the growth and biomass quality of Chlorella sorokiniana pa.91 microalgae from Sari wastewater culture medium using Magnesium Aminoclay nanomaterial (MgAC). In this study by application of the surface response method - central design, the effect of temperature, light intensity, and nanomaterial concentration was investigated on the parameters including the dry weight of biomass on the seventh day, specific growth rate, chlorophyll, and carotenoids in wastewater after 12 h exposure to visible light. Under 37 μmol photons, m-2 s-1 radiation intensity, and in the presence of 0.05 g/L of magnesium aminoclay NM at 20 °C, the optimal condition including biomass dry weight, specific growth rate, chlorophyll, and carotenoids increased by 47.13, 30.26, 81.33 and 36.47% respectively compared to the control sample. Also, to make the present study feasible, the test conditions were performed in real wastewater.
Article Type:
Original Research |
Environment Received: 2022/02/27 | Accepted: 2022/06/15 | Published: 2022/07/1