Volume 23, Issue 1 (2023)                   MCEJ 2023, 23(1): 135-152 | Back to browse issues page

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Rezaifar O, Gholhaki M, Khanahmadi M, Younesi A, Dejkam B. Damage Detection and Localization in Steel Plates Using Modal Dynamic Data and Two-Dimensional Wavelet Analysis. MCEJ 2023; 23 (1) :135-152
URL: http://mcej.modares.ac.ir/article-16-57404-en.html
1- Associate Professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran , orezayfar@semnan.ac.ir
2- Professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
3- Ph.D. Student of Structural Eng., Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Kurdistan, Kurdistan, Iran
4- Ph.D. of Structural Eng., Faculty of Civil Engineering, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
5- M.Sc. of Structural Eng., Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Velayat, Iranshahr, Iran
Abstract:   (2685 Views)
The health of structures, provision of safety, and the sense of security are among constant requirements and perpetual challenges of engineering and managers in the field of crisis management. Erosion and occurrence of minor local damage to structures and structural members in the early stages of construction or during operation, especially in critical structures such as power plants, tall buildings, stairs, dams, airports, and hospitals, have always been among major problems. As time passes, Structures are affected by a variety of natural and non-natural destructive factors such as earthquakes, non-systematic excavations, dynamic vibrations resulting from explosions and heavy vehicle traffic. In addition, factors such as serviceability expectation beyond the design capacity of structural elements and failure to meet the latest expectations imposed by regulations, use of poor-quality materials and execution problems will reduce efficiency and, consequently the service life of structures. Also, the spread of local damages in structures can impair the overall health of the structure. Undoubtedly, knowledge of structural health and safety is of vital importance and structural health monitoring is recognized as one of the most important subjects that has received a lot of attention from researchers. Plates are one of the most important structural elements that can, when damaged, progressively transfer damages to other elements and lead to overall structural damage incurring irreparable social and economic costs. Due to the increasing applications of steel plates, especially in building structures (as steel plate shear walls) in the present study attempts were made to focus on damage detection and localization as one of the most important steps of health monitoring using modal dynamic data (natural frequencies and mode shapes) and a proposed diagnostic method based on two-dimensional discrete wavelet analysis. To this end, the modeled steel plate was subjected to frequency analysis in ABAQUS finite element analysis software and the modal data associated with damaged and non-damaged states were extracted. The results showed differences between the frequencies and lack of correlation between primary and secondary vibration mode shapes based on the modal assurance criterion (MAC) and the angle between the primary and secondary mode shape vectors. Using a propoed damage localization index (DLI) based on the wavelet coefficients obtained from the diameter details of the two-dimensional wavelet analysis of the primary and secondary vibration mode shapes, the damage zones were detected by creating a maximum relative jumps in the DLI diagram. Studies showed that DLI values are sensitive to the damage severity of the damage zone and with increasing the damage severity, these values increase in fixed spatial coordinates in the damaged zone. Also, the DLI of one damaged zone is independent of the damage severity of the other damaged zones, and this is a positive advantage in the damage determination process. Otherwise, failure to detect one damaged zone may affect the detection of other damaged zones, and consequently pose problems in the process of damage detection and localization in cases where we are dealing with multiple damage zones. According to the results of the present study, DLI can be proposed as an efficient and effective index in detection and localization of damages in steel plate elements.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Civil and Structural Engineering
Received: 2021/11/25 | Accepted: 2022/11/1 | Published: 2022/11/1

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