Volume 11, Issue 1 (2011)                   MCEJ 2011, 11(1): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Tabibnejad A, Mahin Roosta R. Evaluation of Marun Dam Behavior During the Construction and Operation Period Using Instrumentation-. MCEJ 2011; 11 (1)
URL: http://mcej.modares.ac.ir/article-16-4890-en.html
Abstract:   (6498 Views)
Abstract: Marun dam with a height of 170m is one of the largest embankment dams in Iran. The dam is a zoned rockfill dam with a central clay core. Due to the importance of safety and stability control of the dam body, a complete monitoring network including different instrumentation systems, has been designed and installed in the dam body. In this paper, the data obtained from the instruments, installed in the clay core, were processed and interpreted. Based on the outcomes, the behavior of the dam body during the construction in the impounding stage and operation period was evaluated and discussed. This study consists of three major parts including: the pore pressure distributions, stress states conditions in the clay core and evaluation of its settlements and deformations in the dam body.
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Received: 2008/07/27 | Accepted: 2009/08/19 | Published: 2011/04/19

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