Volume 10, Issue 4 (2010)                   MCEJ 2010, 10(4): 33-46 | Back to browse issues page

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saffarzada M, hasan poor S, mamdohi A. Airport Ranking Based on the Efficiency and Level of Services Using AHP Method. MCEJ 2010; 10 (4) :33-46
URL: http://mcej.modares.ac.ir/article-16-4512-en.html
Abstract:   (11513 Views)
Abstract: One of the main reasons of weakness in airport system management and capacity insufficiency of its various sections is the lack of detailed information or reliable assessments of services of those sections of the airport. Proper airport management requires a thorough understanding of the performance of the different components and the airport system, as a whole. In this paper, a model of airport assessment and ranking is proposed after identifying and classifying the factors influencing the efficiency and level of service of the various sections of an airport based on the results of previous researches and a survey to gather the opinion of the experts in this field. The importance of the above factors and their sub-factors is determined using Analytical Hierarchy Process and the data gathered from the experts. The results of this model can help to identify airport weaknesses and strengths per airport section, make possible a quantitative comparison of airports and their ranks and also may be applied to identify the potentials of the different sections of an airport system. The results indicated that the efficiency factors (76.7%) are about three times more important than the level of service factors (23.3%). Also the two most important factors are runways (26.11%) while taxiways (9.6%) and the least important ones are baby changing stations (0.1%) and vending machines (0.11%).
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Received: 2008/04/22 | Accepted: 2010/05/19 | Published: 2011/03/2

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