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Abstract: (2590 Views)
Due to the earthquake prone region in Iran and the need of strengthen structures against lateral loads which one of the important elements used in the structure are the shear walls. The use of concrete shear wall structural system, due to the hardness and maximum resistance, high energy absorption and the building movement control are suitable system against the lateral load of the building. If the shear wall and boundary elements are homogeneous, in other words they are similar, the problems are much less, but it happens that such structures are not made of one, for example, the type of the shear wall is concrete and the type of the boundary elements are steel or the opposite. One of the uses of concrete shear wall is its simultaneous use with steel frame, which consists of shear wall, boundary columns and level-level beams. The way of connecting these walls to boundary are very important. Therefore, knowing the behavior of these structures is important. In this research, the shear wall of the concrete type and its connection to steel frame will be studied and investigated. For this purpose, first a 10-floor structure along with a steel frame system with concrete shear wall was modeled in Etabs software, in order to determine the beam dimensions, columns, wall and the amount of the longitudinal and transverse reinforcements of the concrete shear wall. Then, a wall from the first floor is selected with boundary elements to be modeled in Abaquse software in 4 different types of boundary elements and how to connect the steel frame to the concrete wall and compare the resistance and the type of the wall failure under pushover and hysteresis load. The models which are made are as following: A_ Buried column in concrete shear wall. B_ Half-buried column in concrete shear wall. C_ Buried column in concrete shear wall by attaching the welding of transverse shear wall reinforcement to the column flange. D_ Buried column in concrete shear wall by connecting bolt shear wall transverse reinforcement to the column flange. From the results of the analysis of the models that are made in the abacus software, can be concluded; the shear wall model with buried column and bolt connection of transverse reinforcement are shown that have more resistance than other models of connection, that the reason for this can be found in strong bolt connection, which makes the steel border element more involved in the tolerance of the seismic loads. Also, the model with the half-buried columns showed less resistance than the other models of connection, where the unconfined in the boundary elements zone and less participation of the steel element in this condition can be known for this reason. Also, the maximum resistance and displacement of the models in hysteresis analysis were lower than pushover analysis.
Article Type:
Short Communication |
Civil and Structural Engineering Received: 2020/05/31 | Accepted: 2021/01/12 | Published: 2021/08/1