Abstract: (6359 Views)
The average behavior of composite material like masonry can be described in terms
of the relation average stresses and strains (macro model) if the material is assumed to
be homogeneous. The average stress-strain relationship can be determined generally
using two approaches. A possible approach is experimental investigation from the
available experimental data. Another approach, adopted in this resedrch, is to develop
a linear homogenization technique, which describes the behavior of the masonry from
the geometry and the behavior of the representative basic cell. In this research, the
elastic properties of a basic cell in masonry with a periodic arrangement of blocks
were obtained based on a local stress field approach (micro-modeling of the mortar
and blocks).Two different methods were used for computing the equivalent
orthotropic elastic properties of the basic cell as a continuum, the approximate energy
method (a closed form solution) and the finite element based method. The finite
element method was used to approximately find the orthotropic yield curves of the
homogenous element. The similarity of the general behavior of these gied curves with
regard to the experimental facts was considerable.
Received: 2006/11/5 | Accepted: 2008/01/4 | Published: 2011/03/5