nasiri F, Afkhami M. Evaluation of the Application Distributed and Lumped Hydrologic Models in Simulation of Mean Daily Flow Discharge in Gharasoo river basin in Ardebil (Iran). MCEJ 2015; 15 (5) :31-40
1- T.M.U
2- Tarbiat Modares University
Abstract: (9702 Views)
In this research, MIKE SHE distributed hydrologic model and MIKE NAM lumped hydrologic model has been used for simulation of mean daily flow discharge in Gharasoo river basin in Ardebil province (Iran). Generally in the distributed models, the whole watershed is divided to small elements and the amount of each effective parameter on watershed for each element is considered separately. While in lumped models, watershed is considered as an integrative unit and effective parameters on watershed are considered with their intermediate quantity. Progressed and comprehensive hydrological models for more accurate calculation of flow discharge in watershed have been highly applied in recent years and progresses performed in the development of distributed and physically based models, oriented the research towards the evaluation and comparative studies with other models including lumped models.Because of the lack of the correct knowledge of complex hydrologic cycle in consequence of incorrect planning of water resources in watersheds, it is necessary to take an effective act for calculating flow discharge by using progressed and comprehensive models in direction of stable development of watersheds in our country. As mentioned above, the application of distributed and lumped models has been evaluated in simulation of mean daily flow discharge in Gharasoo river basin.The watershed area is about 4100 Km2 and its elevation ranges from 1200 to 4788 m above the mean sea level. the study area lies between 470 45' and 480 40'E longitude and 370 49' and 380 30' N latitude. The average annual precipitation of this study area is about 284 mm. The most part of the study area has been covered by grass lands and crop lands. For confidence of correct simulation of hydrological processes by both models, the simulated discharge has been compared with observed discharge related to Samiyan hydrometry station that situated in out of the watershed for calibration and validation periods by using of evaluation criteria. The evaluation criteria including Root Mean Squre Error (RMSE), Standard Deviation of the Residuals (STDres), Correlation Coefficient (r) and Nash Sutcliffe Correlation Efficiency(E) have been used for evaluation of the application of the modeles along calibration and validation periods.The MIKE SHE model simulated daily discharge well as corroborated by correlation coefficients of 0.85 and o.80, root mean square errors of 4.0571 and 1.598 m3/s, standard deviation of the residuals of 4.0523 and 1.6m3/s and nash sutcliffe correlation efficiencyof 0.71 and 0.63 respectively for calibration and validation periods. The MIKE NAM model simulated daily discharge well as corroborated by correlation coefficients of 0.87 and o.78, root mean square errors of 3.13 and 1.6651 m3/s, standard deviation of the residuals of 3.122 and 1.6650m3/s and nash sutcliffe correlation efficiencyof 0.83 and 0.60 respectively for calibration and validation periods. The results of comparision between two models show that both of the models have appropriate application in simulation of mean daily flow discharge in the watershed. Also according to the calculated coefficient of efficiency in validation period, MIKE SHE distributed model had more appropriate application than the MIKE NAM lumped model.
Article Type:
Original Manuscript |
------- Received: 2014/04/28 | Accepted: 2015/07/29 | Published: 2015/08/23