Volume 15, Issue 3 (2015)                   MCEJ 2015, 15(3): 141-148 | Back to browse issues page

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Experimental Study of projectiles Penetration into Steel Fiber Reinforced High Strength Concrete Targets. MCEJ 2015; 15 (3) :141-148
URL: http://mcej.modares.ac.ir/article-16-3600-en.html
Abstract:   (6127 Views)
It is necessary to investigate the concrete performance against impact loads due to increasing use of concrete in structure for available materials in many regions in one hand, and war or terroristic events on the other hand. Normal concrete has weakness against projectiles. For example spalling, scabbing and multiple impacts reduce concrete potential to tolerate imposing loads. Hence, improving normal concrete characteristics for better performance against these loads is essential. So, increasing compressive strength is the first alternative. However, numerous investigations reported that increasing compressive strength resulted in brittleness of the concrete. While, improving the performance of concrete against impact loads is contradictory to brittleness. One of the recommended alternatives for enhancing compressive strength of concrete and prevailing of its brittleness is reinforcing high-strength concrete by still fiber. In this study the performance of normal and high strength concrete with and without steel fiber was evaluated against the impact of ogive nose projectile with 7.62 mm caliber diameter, 12.5 gr weight and 830 m/s impact velocity. Concrete targets included 18 semi-infinite thickness cylindrical samples. Results showed that the pressure strength reduced in the SFRHSC samples as compared with NC samples. This is due to air locking in the samples which may be arise from the one: no suitable vibration for decreasing concrete slump, and the second: discontinuity in the concrete aggregates resulting from the steel fibers with improper aspect ratio. Results of the penetration tests showed that increasing compressive strength duo to reduction in water to cementitious materials ratio and partial replacing the cement with silica fume decreased penetration depth, crater diameter and volume as 10, 15 and 23%, respectively. While, adding of 0.5% steel fiber reduced penetration depth, crater diameter and volume as 7, 10 and 58%, respectively. Furthermore, in all no fiber steel samples expanded cracks and then sample collapse were observed. However, there were small cracks in fiber steel samples and damaged region was significantly reduced. In other words, about double increasing in compressive strength of concrete (from 452 to 860 kg/cm2) and 0.5% adding still fibers had a little effect on decreasing penetration depth and crack diameter. However, the effect of still fiber on depressing crack volume resulting from impact projectile was 252% more than increasing compressive strength (Figure 1). Furthermore, reinforced sample by still fiber were more :union: after impact projectile compared with the samples without still fiber which were disturbed completely (Figure 2). Finally, it may be concluded that for improving concrete performnace against impact loads including explosion and projectile impact, it is better to increase the compressive strength of concrete by using stronger aggregate such as cilice and quartz rather than decreasing water:cementitious ratio, increasing cement quantity and using silica-fume. Figure 1. Spalling crater volume in different concrete samples Figure 2. Crack extension in SFRC (left) and NC (right) samples
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Article Type: Research Paper | Subject: omran
Received: 2014/05/9 | Accepted: 2015/08/12 | Published: 2015/09/23

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