Volume 15, Issue 3 (2015)                   MCEJ 2015, 15(3): 25-37 | Back to browse issues page

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Simulation of Dam break flows using ‌ Weakly compressible moving-particle semi-implicit method. MCEJ 2015; 15 (3) :25-37
URL: http://mcej.modares.ac.ir/article-16-3492-en.html
Abstract:   (10254 Views)
Simulation of free surface flows using Weakly compressible moving-particle semi-implicit method Mesh-free particle (Lagrangian) methods, such as moving-particle semi-implicit (MPS) and smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH), are the newest methods in computational fluid dynamics, which have been applied in flow problems with large deformations and inconsistency. The aim of ths research was to develop and improve the simulation of free surface flows, using the new method of weakly compressible MPS (WC-MPS). In the MPS method, pressure is determined by solving Poisson equation. This equation is solved implicitly, which needs too much computer time. In the present research, the WC-MPS method is used to calculate pressure. In this method, as in SPH method, the state equation is used. This equation is solved explicitly, which does not occupy too much computer time. To evaluate the proposed method, the famous applied flow problem of dam break is analyzed. The program is written in C language and validations are performed for this code. To compare the Lagrangian approach with Eulerian approach, dam break is modeled by using FLOW-3D software too. The results of modeling approaches and physical models showed that both approaches have acceptable accuracy in modeling the free surface flow, but the accuracy of Lagrangian approach, especially the WC-MPS, is more than Eulerian approach. The proposed methos had some pressure oscillations, which were analyzed thereafter. Simulation of free surface flows using Weakly compressible moving-particle semi-implicit method Mesh-free particle (Lagrangian) methods, such as moving-particle semi-implicit (MPS) and smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH), are the newest methods in computational fluid dynamics, which have been applied in flow problems with large deformations and inconsistency. The aim of ths research was to develop and improve the simulation of free surface flows, using the new method of weakly compressible MPS (WC-MPS). In the MPS method, pressure is determined by solving Poisson equation. This equation is solved implicitly, which needs too much computer time. In the present research, the WC-MPS method is used to calculate pressure. In this method, as in SPH method, the state equation is used. This equation is solved explicitly, which does not occupy too much computer time. To evaluate the proposed method, the famous applied flow problem of dam break is analyzed. The program is written in C language and validations are performed for this code. To compare the Lagrangian approach with Eulerian approach, dam break is modeled by using FLOW-3D software too. The results of modeling approaches and physical models showed that both approaches have acceptable accuracy in modeling the free surface flow, but the accuracy of Lagrangian approach, especially the WC-MPS, is more than Eulerian approach. The proposed methos had some pressure oscillations, which were analyzed thereafter. Simulation of free surface flows using Weakly compressible moving-particle semi-implicit method
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Article Type: Original Manuscript | Subject: -------
Received: 2014/09/3 | Accepted: 2015/07/29 | Published: 2015/09/23

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