Volume 20, Issue 3 (2020)                   MCEJ 2020, 20(3): 79-92 | Back to browse issues page

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marashian M, adjami M, Rezaee mazyak A. Numerical Modeling of Pressure on Composite Berm Breakwater and its Comparison with Horizontally Caisson Breakwater Considering the Effect of Porous Medium. MCEJ 2020; 20 (3) :79-92
URL: http://mcej.modares.ac.ir/article-16-32914-en.html
1- Water and Environmental Engineering Department, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Shahrood University of Technology
2- Water and Environmental Engineering Department, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Shahrood University of Technology , adjami@shahroodut.ac.ir
3- Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, TMU
Abstract:   (2411 Views)
The pressure distribution resulting from the wave interaction in the horizontally caisson breakwater is one of the important parameters in the design of this breakwater. Due to the significant impact of this parameter, the use of composite berm breakwater has been investigated to improve the performance and reduce the forces applied to the structure .In this study, numerical modeling of pressure on composite berm breakwater and its comparison with horizontally caisson breakwater has been investigated by numerical model of FLOW-3D. In composite berm breakwater, compared with the horizontally caisson breakwater at P1 (the maximum pressure applied to the caisson at the surface of the water), the amount of achieved pressure showed the reduction of 52.09% and at P2 (maximum pressure in the caisson crest), the achieved pressure showed 63/07 % decrease. Also in P3 (maximum pressure in caisson toe), the pressure was reduced by 76.09%, and in Pu (uplift pressure under caisson), this value indicates a decrease of 53.92%.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Marine Structures
Received: 2019/05/13 | Accepted: 2020/06/10 | Published: 2020/10/31

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