1- Assistant Professor, Urmia University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering , abcd1386@gmail.com
2- Master Student, Urmia University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Abstract: (5339 Views)
In this research, seismic response of linked column with simple frame system is evaluated as a new structural system. Linked column with simple frame (LCS) is a new idea of a structural steel frame system that has a suitable seismic performance against the earthquake. Achieving to the fast and simple repair of buildings with replacing some members after the earthquake is purpose of designing this system. In this research, elastic behavior of the new structural system is compare with the other common structural steel frame systems in the same conditions, and special linked column with simple frame system (LCS) response, compare with special concentrically braced frame system (CBF) and special moment resisting frame system (MRF) in 1 to 9 story models. The results of the model analysis are presented as graphs of base shear, steel weight, uplift force, period of time, maximum story drift and maximum lateral displacement (roof displacement) of 1 to 9 story models of researched structural steel frame systems. Based on these results, the elastic response of LCS is similar to other structural systems and its design is possible using linear analysis methods.
Then, inelastic capacity and seismic performance parameters of linked column with simple frame system is evaluated by the use of pushover curves of models. This result discloses that behavior factor of 8 (Ru=8), overstrength factor of 2.7 (Ω0=2.7) and deflection amplification factor of 5.5 (Cd=5.5) is appropriate for this system. Eventually, the capacity of structural stability and collapse mechanism of LCS models has been evaluated by using nonlinear dynamic time history analysis under the 14 ground motion records that scaled to the base design earthquake. The coming results are indicated base on maximum interstory drift for LCS models. Based on these results, mean value of maximum interstory drift for all LCS models is below 2 percent and this system has the capability of structural stability against the earthquake records. The plastic hinges spreading and beginning (collapse mechanism) in nonlinear analysis shows that LCS system has the capability of creation design targets.
After evaluation of linked column with simple frame system with different types of structural analysis, the seismic performance of this system is acceptable as a new structural steel frame system. This system is so appropriate for 1 to 6 story buildings or buildings with maximum height of 20 meters. Also, this system has the capability of realizing its main feature, which is achieving a fast repairable building right after the earthquake with replacing some members, as if the building will have the capability of resisting earthquake after the fast simple repairing. Thus, linked column with simple frame (LCS) in a primary evaluation of seismic response is presented as a new structural steel frame system. Naturally this system needed to more research in all necessary fields.
The results of this study and comparison can display the proper views and assumptions from behavior of the all steel structural systems that have been investigated. Also, the results show can expect an appropriate nonlinear behavior from structures when following provisions code in designing models with using a linear analysis.
Linked column system, repair of buildings after earthquake, new structural frames, seismic parameters, nonlinear response of structures
Article Type:
Original Research |
Earthquake Received: 2019/03/4 | Accepted: 2020/03/14 | Published: 2020/02/29