Abstract: (9906 Views)
Steel shear walls has been noticed against wind and earthquake lateral loads about high
buildings in the last three decades. This modern phenomenon is growing rapidly worldwide so
that system have been employed highly in construction of new buildings and seismic
upgrading of existing buildings in some countries such as USA and JAPAN. That is a very
simple system from viewpoint of implementing and there isn’t particular complexity. High
strength and ductility are main advantages of these systems. Current paper has investigated
comparatively behavior of steel shear walls made of smooth and corrugated sheets. Also the
paper has assessed push-over curves and cyclic binding. According to this result of the
research, corrugated steel shear walls have lower ductility than smooth shear walls. The
research also founded that despite the high strength of corrugated sheets in low displacement,
behavior of flat shear walls is more stable than corrugated shear walls. On the other hand flat
steel shear walls attract energy more than corrugated shear walls. Therefore using of flat shear
walls is recommended in high seismic regions.
In this research, 18 samples of flat steel shear walls and corrugated shear walls were
modulated. In all models, panels height were 3 m and panels span were 3, 4 and 5 m. the
thickness of sheets in the samples were 3, 4 and 5mm.
According to results of the research:
1- Corrugated sheets are unstable and unpredictable in high thinness. In the low displacements
occurs a mutation state, so it distinguishes the corrugated and flat shear walls behavior.
2- At low displacement, a corrugated sheet bears greater load than a flat sheet.
3- In a constant thickness for thinner corrugated sheets is increased the mutation rate and its
behavior becomes more non-uniform.
4- Despite of the fact, pynchyng phenomenon appears in all samples, but all samples behavior
is stable and significant energy attraction is observed.
Received: 2012/01/1 | Accepted: 2012/01/1 | Published: 2012/01/1