1- Amirkabir industrial university , sderfani@aut.ac.ir
2- Tehran science and research branch, Islamic azad university
Abstract: (8349 Views)
The purpose of this study is to develop the previous proposed analytical model by the first and second authors for short links, so it can be used for all kinds of links including short, intermediate, and long links. Eccentrically braced frames (EBF) offer high lateral stiffness because of their braced configuration while also providing high ductility and energy dissipation. They are widely used as a lateral-force resisting system for multi-story buildings located in seismic areas. The key components of the EBF system include columns, collector beams, braces and active links. The active links are designed to provide ductility and energy dissipation through yielding under design basis earthquakes, while all other structural members are designed to be stronger than the links and stay in elastic range. The link is defined by a horizontal eccentricity between the intersection points of the two brace centerlines with the beam centerline. Sufficient analytical model which can accurately predict the inelastic performance of the links is needed to perform reliable nonlinear analyses of EBFs. Analytical models that are used to study the inelastic seismic response of the EBFs usually reflect the anticipated behavior of the different frame elements. Links are modeled as inelastic elements with concentrated end flexural and shear hinges. Beams outside of the link, braces, and columns are typically modeled as elastic beam-column elements, because no inelastic behavior is anticipated in design. Ricles and Popov proposed an analytical model for short links. Ramadan and Ghobarah replaced the sub-hinges with translational and rotational springs and proposed a new model. Both models had incorrect shear stiffness so that the shear stiffness of model was half the link shear stiffness. Richards and Uang corrected the shear stiffness of the model proposed by Ramadan and Ghobarah, and proposed a new analytical model for short links. Koboevic et al. proposed an analytical model based on the results of experimental test performed by Okazaki and Engelhardt, regardless of the fact that the actual measured dimensions of sections were different from the standard dimensions of sections. To account for this issue, despite of what is said in their paper, the strain-hardening ratio was set to 0.0045. For this reason, the shear stiffness of their proposed model was incorrect and the predicted shear forces are 15 to 24 percent more than the experimental shear forces. Ashtari and Erfani showed that available analytical models do not predict very well the maximum shear forces and deformations too, and proposed an analytical model which can accurately predict both maximum and intermediary values of shear force and deformation of short links. To the authors’ knowledge, currently there are only suitable analytical models for short links. In this study an analytical model which can accurately predict both maximum and intermediary values of forces and deformations for short, intermediate, and long links, is proposed. The parameters of model are established based on test results from several experiments on links and EBFs. Comparison of available test results with the hysteresis curves obtained using the proposed analytical model established the accuracy of the model. The proposed model is recommended to be used to perform inelastic analyses of EBFs.
Article Type:
Original Research |
Civil and Structural Engineering Received: 2018/11/7 | Accepted: 2019/03/13 | Published: 2019/07/15