Volume 18, Issue 6 (2018)                   MCEJ 2018, 18(6): 155-167 | Back to browse issues page

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Alembagheri M, Sheikhzadeh Shayan R. Seismic performance evaluation of concrete arch-gravity dams using incremental dynamic analysis. MCEJ 2018; 18 (6) :155-167
URL: http://mcej.modares.ac.ir/article-16-16975-en.html
1- TMU
2- Department of Civil EngineeringTMU
Abstract:   (6650 Views)
The Seismic analysis of concrete dams had been considered in an ideal form by means of two dimensional Monoliths in analyse and design procedures and structures had been subjected to ground motions with defining seismic coefficient. Lately, the research focus, however, has been more on linear time history analytics and fracture analysis of concrete dams in 3D space. With the advancement of knowledge in the field of earthquake engineering and the development of more precise methods for estimating the intensity of possible earthquakes, The methods of analyzing and evaluating the seismicity of the structures have been improved and the effects of more parameters can be considered in assessing the risk of each structure. In the present study, the seismic response of a concrete arch-gravity dam under the influence of earthquake stimulation is investigated in a three dimensional finite element analysis. The effects of dam-reservoir-foundation interactions are considered and the nonlinear behavior of the concrete and also the different patterns of the arc radius of the dam are studied. Finally, the contribution of response of each of the sustainability factors to seismic stimulation is evaluated. The Seismic analysis of concrete dams had been considered in an ideal form by means of two dimensional Monoliths in analyse and design procedures and structures had been subjected to ground motions with defining seismic coefficient. Lately, the research focus, however, has been more on linear time history analytics and fracture analysis of concrete dams in 3D space. With the advancement of knowledge in the field of earthquake engineering and the development of more precise methods for estimating the intensity of possible earthquakes, The methods of analyzing and evaluating the seismicity of the structures have been improved and the effects of more parameters can be considered in assessing the risk of each structure. In the present study, the seismic response of a concrete arch-gravity dam under the influence of earthquake stimulation is investigated in a three dimensional finite element analysis. The effects of dam-reservoir-foundation interactions are considered and the nonlinear behavior of the concrete and also the different patterns of the arc radius of the dam are studied. Finally, the contribution of response of each of the sustainability factors to seismic stimulation is evaluated. The Seismic analysis of concrete dams had been considered in an ideal form by means of two dimensional Monoliths in analyse and design procedures and structures had been subjected to ground motions with defining seismic coefficient. Lately, the research focus, however, has been more on linear time history analytics and fracture analysis of concrete dams in 3D space. With the advancement of knowledge in the field of earthquake engineering and the development of more precise methods for estimating the intensity of possible earthquakes, The methods of analyzing and evaluating the seismicity of the structures have been improved and the effects of more parameters can be considered in assessing the risk of each structure. In the present study, the seismic response of a concrete arch-gravity dam under the influence of earthquake stimulation is investigated in a three dimensional finite element analysis. The effects of dam-reservoir-foundation interactions are considered and the nonlinear behavior of the concrete and also the different patterns of the arc radius of the dam are studied. Finally, the contribution of response of each of the sustainability factors to seismic stimulation is evaluated.
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Article Type: Original Manuscript | Subject: Earthquake
Received: 2018/03/5 | Accepted: 2024/01/2 | Published: 2019/03/15

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