Volume 18, Issue 5 (2018)                   MCEJ 2018, 18(5): 239-249 | Back to browse issues page

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Khabiri M. The correlation between the structure-traffic index and pavement performance in the rural roads. MCEJ 2018; 18 (5) :239-249
URL: http://mcej.modares.ac.ir/article-16-15543-en.html
1- Assistance Professor/Civil Engineering Department,Yazd University
Abstract:   (4767 Views)
Layer structure of rural roads under heavy traffic has essential importance because of simultaneous observing of economic and technical issues. In this study with investigating a case study of a rural road, different structure models of layers a road under traffic Agricultural trailers have been investigated. To identify different models of the road of structure-traffic index (STI) is used. At first, it is specified that 12 wheels trailers with tridem axle have more destructive effect on the pavement relation to 18 wheels trailers with tandem axle, by the modeling of finite element software ABAQUS; and the Scania G400 placed for the base calculation as a critical trailer. Then different road models is investigated separate for fatigue and rutting distress under crossing of critical trailer. The modeling critical trailer load on the different road models show that there is a Exponential relationship between STI index and fatigue and rutting distress with acceptable accuracy. This relationship is indirect for the fatigue distress with changes constant equal to 13.76. In contrast, this relationship is direct for the rutting distress with changes constant equal to 135.31 that show rutting has more influence of STI index changes relation to fatigue. Also in this study, it is tried to investigate different layer efficiency of pavement in reducing agents related with rutting and fatigue damage that the most important matter is remarkable effect cold asphalt on the rutting reducing so that even cold asphalt layer is more effective to reduce rutting distress parameter relation to sub base and base layers with together. Layer structure of rural roads under heavy traffic has essential importance because of simultaneous observing of economic and technical issues. In this study with investigating a case study of a rural road, different structure models of layers a road under traffic Agricultural trailers have been investigated. To identify different models of the road of structure-traffic index (STI) is used. At first, it is specified that 12 wheels trailers with tridem axle have more destructive effect on the pavement relation to 18 wheels trailers with tandem axle, by the modeling of finite element software ABAQUS; and the Scania G400 placed for the base calculation as a critical trailer. Then different road models is investigated separate for fatigue and rutting distress under crossing of critical trailer. The modeling critical trailer load on the different road models show that there is a Exponential relationship between STI index and fatigue and rutting distress with acceptable accuracy. This relationship is indirect for the fatigue distress with changes constant equal to 13.76. In contrast, this relationship is direct for the rutting distress with changes constant equal to 135.31 that show rutting has more influence of STI index changes relation to fatigue. Also in this study, it is tried to investigate different layer efficiency of pavement in reducing agents related with rutting and fatigue damage that the most important matter is remarkable effect cold asphalt on the rutting reducing so that even cold asphalt layer is more effective to reduce rutting distress parameter relation to sub base and base layers with together.
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Article Type: Original Manuscript | Subject: Earthquake
Received: 2017/03/10 | Accepted: 2024/01/7 | Published: 2019/02/15

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