Volume 17, Issue 1 (2017)                   MCEJ 2017, 17(1): 65-78 | Back to browse issues page

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Nasiri M. Experimental Studies of Cohesion Effect on Earth Slope Reinforced using stone column. MCEJ 2017; 17 (1) :65-78
URL: http://mcej.modares.ac.ir/article-16-12324-en.html
Abstract:   (8673 Views)
The increasing demand for engineered cut and fill slopes on construction goals has increased the need of understanding of analytical methods, investigation tools and the most important stabilization methods to solve slope stability problems. The first step to maintain the stability of an earth slope is performing excavation in the slope crest or/and filling in the slope toe. This is the cheapest way (model) for stabilization of earth slopes. If the model cannot provide the required factor of safety, it is necessary to use other stabilization methods. Numerical and laboratory methods are useful for modeling earth slopes stabilization. Modeling the stability of earth slopes using numerical methods is a common practice in geotechnical engineering. Moreover , stabilization of earth slopes using piles has been practiced by many researchers by using numerical and analytical methods. Application of numerical and analytical methods to stabilization of earth slopes using piles is an issue commonly discussed by various researchers. Although , numerical and analytical methods have special capabilities, laboratory modeling is more reliable. Stability slope analysis has attract lots of researchers attention all across the world and it shows the significance of this matter. When we are suspicious about stability of earth slopes, immediate actions and preventative steps should be used for suppression of instability occurrence. Many projects intersect in valleys and rides , which can be prone to slope stability problems. Natural slopes that have been stable for many years may suddenly fail because of many reasons, therefore finding useful techniques for these matters now days are a great concern for geotechnical engineers. In all earth slopes the primary way for stabilization is the excavation in slope crest and/or filling slope toes , if this action would not increase safety factor enough , other procedures should be applied. Three common styles of stabilization methods are ; vertical reinforcement (such as stone columns and piles) , horizontal reinforcement (like Geo - grids) , oblique reinforcement (such as nailing). Stability of natural slopes is one of important issues in Geotechnical engineering. using easy and economical methods for improving stability of slopes are one of the greatest challenges that face engineers. One of the common methods that is use for increasing the safety factor of slopes is stone columns. All of the experimental tests were modeled and compared using the limit equilibrium (LE) and finite element (FE) methods, which are compliant with each other. Understanding of soil property is crucial for analysis of earth slopes, in this study effect of cohesion in embankment is considered, and based on exact understanding of this property and performing laboratory modeling and by using finite element method software (PLAXIS2D) and finite difference method software (FLAC3D), results are achieved. The sand slope is saturated through precipitation and failure after loading by installing the stone column at the middle of slope. Experimental studies in this article have the potential to give valuable information about effects of embankment cohesion and penetration depth of stone column into the stiffer layer, in stability of stone column reinforced earth slopes.
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Article Type: Original Manuscript | Subject: -------
Received: 2015/10/31 | Accepted: 2016/06/5 | Published: 2017/05/22

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