1- Tarbiat Modares university
2- Sharif university of technology
Abstract: (8033 Views)
Rock dynamics as a branch of rock mechanics deal with dynamic behavior of rocks under high loading rates. Considering that many problems in rock engineering including earthquackes, explosions and projectile penetrations deal with high loading rates, rock dynamics has been of high significance to explore. In order to design and stability analysis of many of defense and military structures constructed on and in rocks, designating of dynamic behavior of rocks under different loading rates is essential. However, detailed understanding of rock dynamics has been of high challenge due to the additional ‘4th’ dimension of time. The split Hopkinson pressure bar test (SHPB) is the most applicable and famous technique in determination of dynamic behavior of materials under high loadin rates. In this thechnique, a pressure wave with a high domain is dispatched to the specimen and the reflected and transmitted waves of specimen will be captured by means of strain gauges glued on the bars of Hopkinson apparatus. A dynamic stress-strain curve will be obtained for the specimen applying some known equations upon physical conditions of SHPB test. A great majority of studies have been shown that dynamic strength of rocks increases with an increase in loading rate. Also, it has been shown that inertial and heterogeneity effects are the most impressive factors on dynamic strength increase of rocks under high loading rates. It is of note that Inertial effect boils down to a sudden increase in inner pressure of rock. Although, heterogeneity causes a more proper dynamic stress equilibrium as well as an increase in strain rate of specimen before the failure relative to those of homogenous one. The more the loading rate is, the more the strength of rock increases. In the present study, efforts have been applied to explore the effect of loading rate on dynamic behavior of rocks using split Hopkinson pressure bar as the most known and common apparatus in studying dynamic behavior of materials under high loading rates. The specimens have been cored of the same block of sandstone with a diameter of 21.5 mm and aspect ratio of 2. First of all, some quasi- static tests including uniaxial and Brezilian have been done to obtain uniaxial compressive strength, Young’s modulus, poison’s ratio and tension strength. In the meantime, Ultra-sonic test has been applyied to group the specimens of same p-wave velocity before doing Hopkinson test. The dynamic stress-strain curves for the specimen under different loading rates have been gained after capturing incident, reflected and transmitted waves by the strain gauges. Results show that there is an intense dependence of dynamic strength of sandstone to the loading rate so that with imposing the strain rate of 150 s^(-1) on the specimen, the dynamic strength of sandstone has been increased to 260 MPa from 160 MPa in quasi-static conditions. That’s why DIF, as the ratio of quasi-static strength to the dynamic one, has been obtained 1.6 at the 150 s^(-1) strain rate.
Article Type:
Original Manuscript |
omran Received: 2014/03/12 | Accepted: 2015/08/12 | Published: 2015/09/23