Volume 16, Issue 1 (2016)                   MCEJ 2016, 16(1): 55-68 | Back to browse issues page

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shabani rameneti M. Evaluation of Performance Reinforced Soil Retaining Wall with Oblique Reinforcements, Slope Facing and Reinforcements Anchor. MCEJ 2016; 16 (1) :55-68
URL: http://mcej.modares.ac.ir/article-16-10815-en.html
Abstract:   (9497 Views)
Due to the advantages of reinforced soil retaining walls, the using of type of the walls has increased in civil projects over the past three decades. One of the reinforced soil applications is the construction reinforced soil retaining walls. The major advantages of the reinforced soil walls are their flexibility and absorbency of deformations. Regarding experiences derived from previous studies, it attempted to investigate the effect of facing slope, oblique reinforcements and reinforcements anchoring on the performance retaining wall by experimental. In this study, 14 models of the walls were constructed. Results of the study provide evidence that horizontal deformation of the wall facing decreased with decreasing of the facing slope. Moreover, with increasing of the reinforcements slope the horizontal deformation reduced. Results showed that reinforced soil wall with oblique reinforcements of 10 degree and facing slope of 80 degree reduce the maximum horizontal deformation of the facing by 20%.Due to the advantages of reinforced soil retaining walls, the using of type of the walls has increased in civil projects over the past three decades. One of the reinforced soil applications is the construction reinforced soil retaining walls. Regarding experiences derived from previous studies, it attempted to investigate the effect of facing slope, oblique reinforcements and reinforcements anchoring on the performance retaining wall by experimental. In this study, 14 models of the walls were constructed. Results of the study provide evidence that horizontal deformation of the wall facing decreased with decreasing of the facing slope. Moreover, with increasing of the reinforcements slope the horizontal deformation reduced. Results showed that reinforced soil wall with oblique reinforcements of 10 degree and facing slope of 80 degree reduce the maximum horizontal deformation of the facing by 20%.Due to the advantages of reinforced soil retaining walls, the using of type of the walls has increased in civil projects over the past three decades. One of the reinforced soil applications is the construction reinforced soil retaining walls. The major advantages of the reinforced soil walls are their flexibility and absorbency of deformations. Regarding experiences derived from previous studies, it attempted to investigate the effect of facing slope, oblique reinforcements and reinforcements anchoring on the performance retaining wall by experimental. In this study, 14 models of the walls were constructed. Results of the study provide evidence that horizontal deformation of the wall facing decreased with decreasing of the facing slope.Due to the advantages of reinforced soil retaining walls, the using of type of the walls has increased in civil projects over the past three decades. One of the reinforced soil applications is the construction reinforced soil retaining walls. Results of the study provide evidence that horizontal deformation of the wall facing decreased with decreasing of the facing slope. Moreover, with increasing of the reinforcements slope the horizontal deformation reduced. Results showed that reinforced soil wall with oblique reinforcements of 10 degree and facing slope of 80 degree reduce the maximum horizontal deformation of the facing by 20%
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Article Type: Research Paper | Subject: -------
Received: 2014/04/8 | Accepted: 2016/01/20 | Published: 2016/03/20

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