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Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

The present study aimed to investigate the elementary and advanced teachers’ formative assessment literacy of speaking skill in Teaching Persian to Non-Persian Speakers context. To this end, 26 teachers of teaching Persian to non-Persian speakers, mostly female, took part in this study. To collect data about their speaking assessment practices, they were primarily involved in a semi-structured interview related to the components of aims, contents, and methods of their speaking assessment. Afterward, they answered five scenarios. The interviews were based on Xu and Brown’s (2016) framework, and the scenarios were based on Chappius and Stiggins’ (2009) assessment quality and standards. In this phase, in addition to aims, content, and methods, and two additional components of giving feedback and students’ participation in assessing the speaking skill were examined. The interview results in relation to  the aims for the instructors of elementary and advanced levels shed light on six criteria including comprehension, learning and progress, teaching method and curriculum efficacy, weak and strong points, communicative and practical competence, self-confidence and feedback; in relation to content, grammatical accuracy, pronunciation, fluency, interaction and communication, pragmatics, content, turn taking and participation, and spoken and written differences were recognized; and in relation to  methods, class conversation, audio and video files, modeling and memorizing, game and competition, summary telling, question and response, playing roles, giving speech, problem solving and authentic activities were identified. Quantitative analysis of the interviews and scenarios indicated statistical differences among the two groups of elementary and advanced teachers.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Nowadays, many people and companies enter the business world. So, rgarding the important and prominent role of internet and commercial advertisements in daily life, the relation between the business world and people should not be ignored. The purpose of this research is to examine the persuasive language in terms of type and number of persuasive steps in a number of Persian commercial internet textual advertisements based on the Cheung’s (2008, 2010) persuasive move schema model. This research is of descriptive-analytical kind. Therefore, To this end, a number of 120 Persian commercial internet textual advertisements collected through official Persian websites have been analyzed as research data based on the type and number of the persuasive steps. As to the type of persuasive steps, the results showed the most used type of persuasive step was steps of the persuasive move "offering suggestions" having been used with a frequency of 63.7%. On the other hand, the persuasive steps of "explicit stimulus actions" included the lowest frequency with a frequency of 0.1%. It was also shown the new persuasive step "motto" has been used with a frequency of 17%. Besides, the examination of the number of persuasive steps indicated the most used advertisements were "four-step" advertisements with a frequency of 26.7%. "Ten-step" advertisements were observed with a frequency of 0.9. Finally, the analysis of the type and number of persuasive steps revealed there was a significant difference not only between the type of steps examined but between their number as well.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Metaverse is a space that includes the real world and virtual worlds in which people use a digital and virtual representation called an avatar to be present. Metaverse is considered as the major media of commercial advertising in the future and it will play a fundamental role in terms of audience attraction and society awareness. By adopting semiotics approach, this research analyzes the preparation of the subject and the formation of the avatar in Metaverse commercials. Ten commercial advertisements of prominent brands are chosen as statistical sample, and the virtual world of Hyundai brand on Roblox is examined as the case study because of its diverse activities. Descriptive-analytical method is carried out relying on participatory observation, in a way that the researcher experiences the field, and seeks to answer two questions: 1) What kind of discourse is applied to Subject and Object interactions? 2) What is the procedure of conversion of real body to ideal body? Results show that Subject of Metaverse should be considered as a Being-actor who continuously finds itself in a lack of meaning due to Becoming-centered situation and is called to action and achieves meaning as a result of the action. Besides, the avatar could be considered as Ideal-otherness while the dialogue between physical and virtual body is possible through the third body, which is the Imaginary body, which is the main base of sensory-perceptual receptions and leads the actions of the subject.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)

Zeolites are recommended to utilize in agricultural sector due to their water holding and cation exchange capacity.  Effect of zeolite on the hydraulic parameters of sandy loam soil was investigated and HYDRUS-2D was used to simulate the movement of water in the soil. Data needed were collected by conducting laboratory experiments. The studied treatments included four levels (zero, 5, 10, and 15 gr kg-1 of soil) to determine the effect of zeolite on hydraulic parameters including saturation moisture (θs) residual moisture (θr), shape parameter (n), point Check air permeability (α) and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) of the soil. Four rounds of irrigation were done based on readily soil moisture and the soil moisture values before and after irrigation were measured using the Wet sensor in the depth and radial directions and recorded for 45 days. The initial value of hydraulic parameters including θs, θr, α, n and Ks were determined using Rosetta. Results showed that with increasing in the amount of zeolite, the parameters θs, θr and n increased and the value of α decreased, which indicated a decrease in the rate of water discharge from the soil. While the values of Ks tended to decrease. In fact, the mixing zeolite with soil causes to hold more water because of micro-pore structure of zeolites. The HYDRUS-2D model with the efficiency coefficient (EF), which shows the quality and how to fit the observed and estimated data, varied between 0.82 and 0.97, which shows the high efficiency of model in simulating humidity.


Volume 0, Issue 3 (9-2008)

Abstract TAZKERAT - AL - ULIA is the only work by Farrid - Al - Din Attar in prose form. It expresses the biography, ideas and deeds of seventy two mystics and sofism. The reflection of historical, political and literary events affairs and creation on the works of Attar in particular , and Farsi literature of that time in general is quite interesting. In order to study the dramatic aspects of Tazkerat –Al –Ulia it is necessary to read, analyse and evaluate them in a different set of literary and artistic terms, that is to say dramatic and theatrical terms. The elements of theatre contain elements of play, performance, dramatic devices and techniques. In order to reveal the theatrical capacities and potentials of Tazkerat – Al - Ulia a selection of its narratives (three stories) 1 - Fozail Ayyaz, 2 - Rabee Advieh, 3 – Hosein – Ebn - Mansour Hallaj is in the center of present study and their theatrical and dramatic aspects of the prementioned stories have been analysed and evaluated in theatre critical terms. The researcher hopes that her research findings has shed light on the theatrical and dramatic potentials and values of Tazkerat –Al –Ulia and paves the way for dramatization and stage adaptation of the stories of the work in question.

Volume 2, Issue 3 (1-2016)

Translationof Quranandtransmissionandclarification of itsgreat meaningsforPersian audiencehas alwaysbeenthe position of theefforts ofresearchersandscholarsofthisdivinebook. One of theinterpreterswhom many scholarsconsiderhimthe bestcontemporary translator of the Quranis Mr. Fooladvand. Experts regard histranslation reliable in course of matching texts,usingfamiliarwordsof Persian language, linguisticcompliance, and a newapproachtotranslationandupdating ofthe Holy Qur'anchallengingconcepts, applyingrigorouscitations. But despiteall theseadvantages, by paying aclose attention to histranslation, we cometothewrong points which representhis less attentionto some grammatical, vocabulary andliterary details of the translation of holly Quran. Negligence in someinstances lead to lossofmanymiraculous points ofverses, in addition to troubling the readerin understanding thetruemessageof the verses. The purpose of thisresearchis reviewing the translation of some verses based on scientific principles in morphological, syntactic, rhetorical and lexical fields,as well as proposing alternatives for translation of some verses.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (4-2011)

Cultural attraction is one of the most important factors in tourist attraction nowadays. The present study is to investigate the role of advertisement on cultural tourist attraction to Iran. Our claim in this study is that the advertisement industry in Iran has not been able to play an effective role in attracting cultural tourists. The main question of this study is that: what is the effect of Iran advertisements on cultural tourist attraction? The method of investigation was survey and the scale for gathering data was questionaire. The sample population compriseed 300 cultural tourists who entered the city of Isfahan. The data analyses were conducted both descriptively and analytically. The founding indicated that the most important tools for advertisement are: marketing (21/3), internet (19/7), books and articles (15/3). The correlation between advertiament variable and cultural tourist attraction was 0/47. Also there was no significant difference between males and females attitudes about advertisement.

Volume 2, Issue 6 (9-2021)

Sports mascots can be used as a good provider of consumer products in advertising and product marketing (from a consumer perspective); On the other hand, understanding the proper insight into the attitudes of sports consumers influenced by different factors can be effective in this regard. Therefore, the present study aims to analyse the attitude of physical education students towards the advertising of well-known sports mascots (case study: Puma brand). The methodology of this study is a descriptive survey; by purpose, it is a type of applied study. Estimating sample size in this study was done using SPSS Sample power software based on the objectives and assumptions of the research and using the tool considered (questionnaire); the assumptions considered in the form of statistical methods were analysed by Smart PLS 3 software. This study's findings indicate no significant difference between male and female students' attitudes toward the Puma sports mascot. Overall, students had a favourable and effective attitude toward Puma sports mascot advertising in the sports context. On the other hand, there was a significant difference in age concerning students' attitudes to Puma's well-known sports mascots. It is therefore recommended to marketers and practitioners that, according to the psychological characteristics of individuals, consider age groups and gender segregation to implement their advertising strategies in the context of sport.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (6-2013)

This research is conducted on the basis of the relational view of competitive advantage. In this view, competitive advantages are created by not only corporate-level resources but by inimitable capacities and mixed into dynamic relations. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze and quantify the impact of external social capital dimensions on organizational competitive advantage. For this purpose, after an extensive study of literature, the initial conceptual model was designed. The questionnaires were distributed among senior executives and board members of Color and Resin Company and 64 questionnaires were returned and the data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, inferential analysis and Structural Equation Modeling. Results show that the size of a firm impacts innovation and external social capital significantly affects the organizational competitive advantage. Also, structural dimension of external social capital is the most effective among the dimensions of competitive advantage, and strategic flexibility dimension is the most impressible dimension of external social capita. Additionally, the cognitive dimension of external social capital has the minimal impact on competitive advantage. It seems that the warm personal relationships, business relationships and working closely with many diverse groups and work teams in complex industrial organization are the most important tools for achieving the desired organizational results.    

Volume 3, Issue 3 (12-2013)

    Developments, changes and increased competition in the field of industry in recent years, has forced organizations to focus on gaining competitive advantage. In general, many experts believe that organizational performance improvement will increase profitability, and therefore the organization's competitive position relative to other competitors will be dramatically enhanced. It can be accomplished through environmental conditions, resources and practices required. As results, organization can enhance its ability to value creation and achieve profitability. In this study, regarding to resources in achieving high level performance, the key sources of influence on organization performance is derived by reviewing the results of previous researches and according to experts’ points of view. Using the experimental design method, appropriate framework of factors presented. The results show that contribution percentage of following factors: total number of employees, inventory levels, the value of capital assets, the ratio of manufacturing employment to total employment and the cost of advertising on firm performance.    

Volume 3, Issue 11 (12-2022)

Nostalgia is one of the important issues in behavioral sciences, which has received the attention of some disciplines, including psychology, in recent years. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of nostalgic sports advertisements on the nostalgic ability of the fans of the national football team and their desire to attend the stadium. In terms of purpose, the research method is applied research, in terms of field execution method, and terms of analysis,descriptive-correlation. The statistical population included male fans of the Iranian national football team. The statistical population of this research is 100,000 people, and the sample size is 384 people based on Morgan's table. They were selected using a simple random sampling method. To collect data, nostalgic advertising questionnaire (Merchant 2013), nostalgic capability questionnaires, evoked nostalgia (Pascal 2002), nostalgic personality (Meyer, 2010), nostalgic affectivity (Routledge, 2009) and willingness to attend the stadium questionnaire (Safarzadeh, 2013) were used to collect data SPSS and Smart PLS software were used to analyze the research data. The research findings showed that the effect of nostalgic advertisements with coefficients of 0.86 and 0.30 on nostalgic ability and desire to attend the stadium was directly significant. Nostalgic ability also significantly affected fans' desire to participate in the stadium, with a coefficient of 0.52. The indirect effect of nostalgic advertisements on the desire to attend the stadium (mediated by nostalgic ability) was 0.66. For this reason, it is suggested that in the marketing based on nostalgic elements for the national football team, the typology of the fans should be done based on the types of nostalgic capabilities.

Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2014)

Nowadays, customer is known as the organizations’ most important source of information. The competitive advantage was lately obtained by innovation of product and creating a brand, but in twenty first century, companies are facing more interactions creating a competitive advantage which is obtained by gathering customer knowledge. This study intends to determine a structural model by the application of interpretive structural modeling (ISM). According to the interpretive structural modeling findings, twenty five important and effective factors on the process of implementing the customer knowledge management in the bank have been identified. The structural model analysis showed that following variables of the superior management commitment, the middle managers, organizational culture, financial resources and information technology are the main factors, and act like the foundation of the model. Any type of change on other factors which have high levels of guidance and dependency, could affect the system and system outcome could also change these variants again. The final result of factor in model expresses that executing and implementing the customer knowledge management process is effective at achieving factors such as customers' satisfaction, increase of service quality and keeping customers as a valuable asset and finally obtaining a competitive advantage.    

Volume 4, Issue 4 (12-2013)

Different methods are used Cross-linguistically to code coordination relations. It may be the case that two clauses are simply juxtaposed. Here, their relations are inferred through the context of communication and their semantic properties. The alternative and more marked method is the presence of an overt coordinating marker, or connective. Both of these constructions occur in Persian Language. In this article, major coordinating relations of conjunction, disjunction and adversativity are touched upon; however, the main emphasis is put on adversatives and their development. In this connection, a rather long list of modern Persian adversatives identified is presented. On the basis of their internal structure, Persian adversatives can be classified as simple, compound and discontinuous words. In some cases, even a sentence functions as an adversative. These morphologically different adversatives derive from different grammatical and lexical sources. Like many languages, words with spatial, temporal, causal and emphatic meaning have been grammaticalized to function as adversatives. In addition, one can find sources that are almost rare in languages of the world. Among these, one can trace the development of some word-forms of the lexical verbs of goftan ‘say’, and kardan ‘do’ to adversatives. Furthermore, in the formation of some compound adversatives, question words as well as grammatical words denoting condition are used.   

Volume 4, Issue 7 (9-2017)

Many scholars in the field of Qur'an and translation have considered the translation of Mohammad Mahdi Fouladvand from the Holy Quran as one of the best contemporary translations of the Qur'an.And they find it reliablein terms of compliance with the source text,and applying the rules of language and expression, as well as the use of Persian phrasal vocabulary, which is often the main theme of coherence in the structure of the text.On the other hand, one of the small Qur'anic Surahs which, despite a small volume, speak of a variety of topics is the Surah of At-Tariq. Due to the diversity of the subject and the small volume, the quality of coherence in this chapter and its translation can be questioned.Thus, in this research,based on the evolved version of the systematic theory of Holliday and Hassan 1985.m,as well as the concept of cohesive coordination that Roghayeh Hasan introduced in 1984.m,the factors of coherence and coordination of coherence in Surah At-Tariq and its translation from Mohammad Mahdi Fouladvand were studied and reviewed selectively and inductively,based on descriptive - analytical and statistical evaluation. The author intends, with a spacious and textual view, relying on the above theory to determine the factors of coherence, coordination of coherence, and the amount of this cohesion, in the text of Surah At-Tariq and its translation, then compared both the source and destination to each other. The results of the research show that, despite the differences in the ratio of the grammatical elements and the lexical elements of the source and destination texts, both texts is coherent, also, due to the high percentage of the similarity of the target text to the source text in the way of applying the coherence factors, the translator has been able to translate successfully and reflect the meanings and concepts of translation to a large extent.

Volume 5, Issue 4 (5-2016)

Public service advertises are an important issue in social marketing, increase public awareness and develop possible solutions to issues relating public and beliefs, attitudes, and affecting behaviors. This study aims to review the impact of public service advertises on intention to donate, considering the role of mediator secretion of oxytocin hormone. Considering Experimental study, this research designed having retest and posttest with an experimental group and a control group. Statistical populations were female students of Mazandaran University. Through the matched sample for the test group and control group, 10 cases were detected. In this study, people exposed to film type of public-service advertising. blood sample was taken from each individual before and after each film.  Finally, participants were answered a questionnaire that aims to measure the variable of intention to donate. To analyze the data and test the hypotheses, SPSS18 was used.  results show that there was no significant difference and public service advertising has no effects on intention to donate with and without mediator secretion of oxytocin hormone and research hypotheses were rejected.  

Volume 5, Issue 18 (3-2008)


M.Omranpour. PH.D.
In Shamloo’s poetry, creating prominence through the construction and artistic function of adverb and the related adverbial groups is one of the devices used for changing the everyday language into a literary language.  The variation of different genres, structures, and the role of adverbial groups in creating rhythm and imagination, in addition to depiction and making atmosphere in Shamloo’s poetry reveals his peculiar attention and concern for this linguistic aspect; used as a factor for creating beauty and extra prominence.
Shamloo has utilized the adverbial groups from both formalistic and contextual aspects in order to foreground his poetry. Repetitive structures, constant adverbial groups made of “ the core + subordinate clause”, the substitution within the linguistic correlation, and using all such these features and elements for creating different varieties of musical rhythm, in addition to the most significant formalistic aspects in function, creating images and innovative forms such as recognition and defamiliarization in the realm of recognition of the commonplace and normal elements such as personification, simile, symbolization, paradox etc- from the contextual dimension- all count as the adverbial groups which were in mind for foregrounding in Shamloo’s poetry.

Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2016)

According to great number of experts, having a distinct positioning regarding other competitors in one or more cases, are Critical factors of industrial success. These CSFs can create a golden and exceptional opportunity to gain a competitive advantage. Therefore, main goal of this study is to identify and prioritize CSFs in lubricants industry of Iran. Research method is practical use and as data collecting method is descriptive – survey. Interviews and questionnaires used to collect data in research population which is Iran lubricants industry experts. In this study, Thompson and Strickland models has been used to identify these factors. This model define critical success factors in seven different dimension and sets indicators for each one. Based on those factors and network analysis process a questionnaire has been prepared and has been placed at the disposal of industry experts. Obtained data were analyzed by using "super decision" software and five factors of " experience in product innovation", "technical knowledge", "production quality", "access to raw materials and additives", "access to skilled labor" were identified as critical success factors in this industry.  Therefore successful companies in this field can gain the competitive advantages investing on these factors.

Volume 6, Issue 3 (8-2015)

Granted that advertisements reflect the dominant mindset of a society, this study intends to scrutinize the use of argumentation speech act in both Persian and English advertisements with the purpose of discovering the underlying conventions of these argumentations. With that in mind, based on Toulmin’s (1958) model of argumentation, one hundred advertisements (50 Persian ads and 50 English ads) were randomly selected from the popular magazines published in both Persian and English languages. The advertisements which were selected in this study were published in the last decade. Chi-square test analysis revealed significant differences between the Persian and English advertisements, indicating that claim outweighs the other elements of the argumentation speech act in the Persian advertisements. However, the English ones employ data more than the other modules of the argumentation speech act. In the end, the cultural reasons causing the differences were discussed.    

Volume 6, Issue 3 (11-2016)

Organizations have no choice but gaining and maintaining sustainable competitive advantage to remain safe from competitive environment’s surges and be consistent with the requirements of the environment. Transcendental leadership is a new paradigm in management and leadership that is one of the best ways to deal with turbulent environments. This paper aims to recognize the effect of transcendent leadership on organizational performance with the mediating role of competitive advantage in food industry SMEs in Tehran. Data gathered based on 195 questionnaires and analyzed using Structural equation technique. Results show that transcendent leadership has a positive effect on both competitive advantage and organizational performance and competitive advantage has a positive effect on organizational performance.

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