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1- University of Tabriz
2- University of Tabriz ,
Abstract:   (518 Views)
The design of earthquake-resistant structures and the reduction of damages caused by them have always been considered. One of the ways to reduce earthquake vibrations in steel frames is to use cable braces. In addition, one of the ways to improve the behavior of the structure against seismic loads is the use of dampers. In this research, magnetorheological damper and cable brace are used simultaneously. To check the effectiveness of the proposed system, four steel frames including, a steel frame without cables and dampers, a steel frame with cable braces, a steel frame with magnetorheological dampers and, a steel frame with cable braces along with magnetorheological dampers, which have one-span and two spans, were selected and the behavior of this frame Assuming different conditions, under nonlinear static lateral load and seismic loads, it has been checked in SAP2000 software. By examining the results obtained from the nonlinear static analysis of the case of a one span, it is concluded that the steel frame with cable brace and magnetorheological damper reduces the lateral displacement of the frame and often the internal forces of the beam and column more than other frames. gives by examining the results of the time-history dynamic analysis of one-span and two-span conditions, it is concluded that the proposed system reduces the lateral displacement of the frame and the internal forces of the beam and column more than other frames in most of the investigated earthquakes. In other words, using the proposed systems improves the performance of the structure against lateral loads.

Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Civil and Structural Engineering
Received: 2024/07/25 | Accepted: 2024/11/20

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