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1- Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gilan University ,
2- Instructor, Master's Degree in Civil Engineering - Structures, Technical and Engineering Faculty, Gilan University Jihad Institute of Higher Education
3- Senior expert in Civil-Structural Engineering, Technical and Engineering Faculty, Gilan University Jihad Institute of Higher Education
Abstract:   (534 Views)
Fire can not only lead to many human and financial losses, but also can cause structures to collapse and destroy them. For this reason, it is necessary and inevitable to protect buildings against fire and conduct more research in the field of better understanding the effects of combining different materials with each other and obtaining materials with greater resistance to fire. Concrete and concrete structures are always used by construction engineers due to their resistance, availability and resilience against fire. Ordinary concrete loses its strength at high temperatures, and the use of unreinforced concrete is not very useful due to its brittleness and weakness in tensile strength. In concrete, the tensile strength is lower than its compressive strength, and for this reason, researchers are trying to increase the resistance to fire and heating by improving the tensile strength of concrete. Reinforcing concrete with rebar is always a solution to increase the tensile strength in concrete parts, one of the most important weaknesses of using rebar in concrete is that the reinforcements form a small part of the concrete cross-section and actually cause the concrete to be inhomogeneous. In this research, double-bent steel fibers have been used to overcome the mentioned weakness and reinforce the concrete. It should be noted that concrete containing steel fibers has favorable compressive and tensile strength due to the high tensile strength of steel fibers. In order to achieve this goal and achieve fiber concrete that has good fire resistance, we defined seven different mixing plans with different percentages of steel fibers and lubricants. Concrete samples were produced using double-bent steel fibers in amounts of 0.5, 1, and 1.2 percent by volume of concrete and superlubricant in 0.5, 1, and 1.3 percent by weight of cement, and then in Cubic molds with dimensions of 10x10x10 cm and cylindrical ones were sampled as standard, and after setting the cement, the 28-day-old concrete samples, after heating and placing inside the electric heater with different temperatures, were divided into two The method of gradual cooling with ambient air and fog spraying (water spraying) is similar to what firefighters do when extinguishing a fire, after measuring the amount of weight loss of the heated samples, the weight loss values ​​were presented in the form of a diagram, then the samples were subjected to tests Compressive strength, tensile strength (Brazilian test) and ultrasonic wave speed (ultrasonic test) were placed, and the results and data of each of them for each mixing design were presented in the form of a diagram after examination and classification, so that the effect of high heat on Concrete containing steel fibers and super-lubricant should be determined. The results clearly showed the improvement of the tensile strength in three volume percentages of fibers by 14.6, 16.8 and 64.5%, respectively, compared to concrete without fibers, and also the compressive strength of concrete after bearing the heat of 250 degrees Celsius and cooling to the fogging method had 44.5, 31.6, and 9.3 percent, respectively, and in the gradual air cooling method, the compressive strength was 43.3, 44.9, and 50 percent, respectively.

Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Civil and Structural Engineering
Received: 2024/05/5 | Accepted: 2024/11/20

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