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1- study in guilan university
2- guilan university ,
3- none
Abstract:   (17 Views)
The impact that humans have inflicted on the environment in recent decades is shocking, which has caused the loss of hundreds of plant and animal species. Recycling materials and waste is a logical solution to reduce the rate of waste generation. In this research, the effect of using different percentages and the combination of electric arc furnace slag and blast furnace slag as a substitute for fine grains and the use of microsilica and polypropylene fibers as additives were investigated. The proportions of the mixture, steel and iron slag were separately in three volume percentages of 10, 15, 25% and a combination with a ratio of 10% each and 10% of the cement weight was replaced with microsilica. Also, polypropylene fibers were considered as 0.3% by volume. After the concrete reached the age of 30-60-90 days, the durability of concrete was tested in separate parts. The samples were tested at 400 and 800 degrees Celsius and in 3% sulfuric acid solution using compressive strength, tensile strength and bending strength tests. Also, the permeability of the manufactured concretes was determined using electrical resistance tests, final water absorption and capillary water absorption at the ages of 28 and 90 days. The results of the tests showed that the 10% slag composition improved the mechanical properties of the samples at temperatures of 400 and 800 degrees Celsius. Also, the compressive strength of designs containing 10% of steel slag and 10% of iron slag and their combination at 400°C temperature is 6.48%, 8.55% and 4.4% respectively and at 800°C temperature is almost 10% compared to 400°C temperature. degrees Celsius have also suffered a greater drop in resistance.
Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Civil and Structural Engineering
Received: 2023/11/5 | Accepted: 2024/08/31

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