Volume 16, Issue 2 (2016)                   MCEJ 2016, 16(2): 103-115 | Back to browse issues page

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Effects of straight-crested gravel bedforms and vegetated banks on turbulent flow characteristics. MCEJ 2016; 16 (2) :103-115
URL: http://mcej.modares.ac.ir/article-16-9656-en.html
Abstract:   (6317 Views)
Rivers have been always the main source of water for human kind and the basic element of population development. Study of the interaction between flow structure and bedforms is one way to understand the behavior of the rivers. Moreover,vegetation in natural rivers increases roughness of the main channel and flood plains which affects the geometry of channels, flow structure, bed resistance and consequently the pattern of sediment transport. Considering the role of bedforms on sediment transport, turbulence production and flow resistance, investigations on details of flow-bedforms interaction, vegetated banks and flow structure seem to be essential. In this study, the influence of straight crested gravel bedforms and vegetation of the banks of channels on flow turbulent characteristics are investigated based on model experimentation. For this purpose, seven fixed artificial 2-D straight crested bedforms were built inside a rectangular flume of 8 m long, 0.4 m wide and 0.6 m deep. The graded gravel particles used to create the bedforms had an average diameter of d50 = 10 mm. Johnson grasses with a diameter of 2.8 mm were used to simulate vegetation cover on the flume side-walls. Since, the fully developed flow was just observed after the fifth dune, experimental measurements were performed over the fifth and sixth dunes. Overall, three runs were performed over the dunes with a wave length, height, angle of repose and flow depth of 0.96 m, 0.04 m, 28 degrees and 0.28 m, respectively. In the first case 17 velocity profiles and in the second and the third cases 21 velocity profiles were measured. All the tests were performed with a constant discharge of 0.024 m3/s. The instantaneous three-dimensional velocity components were measured using a down-looking Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter ADV. Velocities were recorded for each point with a sampling rate of 200 Hz and the sampling volume of 5 mm. The sampling duration was at least 120 seconds. Overall, about 45400000 velocity data were collected, filtered by WinADV software. Results indicated no negative velocities for both cases of with and without vegetation cover. For no vegetation case, the least value of velocity was zero at a small region on the lee side of the dune. Whereas, for the case of vegetating the side-walls, the zero value of velocity was located at the dune's trough. Negative vertical velocity value in both cases of with and without vegetation along a dune confirmed that separation is not dominant for the case of straight crested dunes compared to the corresponding sharp-crested bedforms. The Reynolds stresses increase for the case of vegetating the side-walls compared to the case of without vegetation cover. This is in part due to the increase of flow resistance, while the side-walls are vegetated. Rivers have been always the main source of water for human kind and the basic element of population development. Study of the interaction between flow structure and bedforms is one way to understand the behavior of the rivers. Moreover,vegetation in natural rivers increases roughness of the main channel and flood plains which affects the geometry of channels, flow structure, bed resistance and consequently the pattern of sediment transport. Considering the role of bedforms on sediment transport, turbulence production and flow resistance, investigations on details of flow-bedforms interaction, vegetated banks and flow structure seem to be essential.
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Article Type: Original Manuscript | Subject: -------
Received: 2015/03/16 | Accepted: 2015/11/4 | Published: 2016/06/21

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