About Journal

The Economic Research (Sustainable Growth and Development) is published Quarterly (4 Issues/year) since 2007 
Publisher: Tarbiat Modares University
Director-in-Charge: Dr. Parastoo Mohammadi
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Majid Sameti
Print ISSN: 1735-6768
Online ISSN: 2980-7832
Date of Foundation: 2001
Publication Period: 4 Issues/year
About Journal: The Economic Research (Sustainable Growth and Development) is one of the TMU Press journals that is published by the responsibility of its Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board in the determined scopes.
The Quarterly Economic Research (Sustainable Growth and Development) Journal was registered at the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance at the request of the Faculty of Economics, University of Tarbiat Modares University, on 2088/11/22 and license no. 12086/124. The first issue of this journal was published in the spring of 2001 and was granted the scientific-research degree by scientific secretariat of the National Publications Commission on 2004/5/30 according to letter no. 3/2910/173.

Moving in line with national priorities in the field of economic growth and sustainable development.
Facilitating economic policymaking in the country via the publication of the results of applied projects and research.
Sharing the results of scientific studies in the country.
Creating an appropriate platform for the publication of distinguished academic researches (theses and dissertations);
Developing the theoretical basis in the field of economics.
Scope: All scientific topics in the field of economics which are directly or indirectly related to economic growth and development with an emphasis on sustainable development.
Journal Languages: Persian with English Abstract
Type of review: Double Blind Peer Review
Publication Ethics: The Journal of Economic Policy is following of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and complies with the highest ethical standards in accordance with ethical laws”.
Publishing Cost: 6,000,000 Rials
Text format of articles: PDF, XML, RSS
Website: https://ecor.modares.ac.ir/index.php?slc_lang=en&sid=18
System Similarity Finder: Yes (iThenticate)
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
Social Networks: Academia
Indexing in: Google Scholar, ISC
Open Access Policy: All articles of the Journal are Open Access. Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).
That means you are free to:
Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material.
Copyright: Under open access license, authors retain ownership of the copyright for their content, but allow anyone to download, reuse, and reprint, modify, distribute, and/or copy the content as long as the original authors and source are cited properly.
To prevent plagiarism uses the Hamyab system for identifying Persian papers and the iThenticate system for identifying Latin papers.

Mailing Address: Tarbiat Modares University, Shahid Chamran and Jalal-e-Alahmad highways intersection, Tehran, Iran. PO Box 141171316, Iran.

Phone: +98 (21) 82883907
Email: jerc@modares.ac.ir  and  jerc@modares.ac.ir